Thank you for helping shed some light on this Kristen. There’s at least a dozen people in the same boat (get it?!) as me that have contacted me since I wrote the Medium post yesterday.

Failing to periodically place hands on the steering wheel violates terms drivers agree to when enabling the feature, the Tesla spokeswoman said.

Millennials totally love Pokemon man.

Well, Asia does have a superficial focus towards looking whiter. All the models on billboards and commercials, and all the actors are the whitest of the white... And good looking too. If you consider the social class gaps as influence, the poorer are darker from farming, therefore “less desirable.” It wouldn’t be a

That depends entirely on whether the airplane she jumped out of had left the ground or not.

Thank you to:

As a BMW Fan as well, I think this is actually good for the brand, broadening the distribution to key markets. The only reason I would not by a BMW made in Mexico is because of the European Delivery Program which I plan to purchase my next BMW through. Mexican Delivery Program doesn’t quite have the same appeal to me.

Particularly the engine, which holds explosions.

Wow... I don't even know where to begin to tell you how wrong you are...

The bachelors degree is just a sorting mechanism these days.

“So if you had a dysfunctional home life 20 years ago and someone called police,”

And a clear driving record? Why? They’re not driving. The car is doing the driving.

Why is it terrible? Do you commute more than 15 minutes a day in or around a city of more than 800k? It’s hellish mindbending exercise in loosing faith in mankind. Took 2 hours to go 40 miles on Fri solely because of a rash of fender benders, congestion, and the “I have to get 3 car lengths ahead RIGHT NOW in this

Utah. This screams Utah.

The phenomena seen here is not the result of the size of the windshield itself, its the result of the line of sight through the window.

“We’ve reached out to Best Buy for comment on this hilarious matter.”

Can we file this to “Stop Cross-Posting Shitty Lame Car-Hating Articles To Jalopnik”? Along with everything else Ms. Walker posts? Please?


BAM2k > Michael Ballaban

That article starts by saying “For two days, we rode Urals.” Is that because they all broke on day 3?