I thought it was a Mew card?

Oh for f***’s sake, it can’t be that old, I saw it in the god-damn theatre!


Oh, man. Want so hard.

Ladies and gentlemen, the current state of the American driver. I for one welcome our autonomous overlords.

This is my favorite comment.

Within the species Fontender Loaderus, the destruction of the prey’s clearcoat shell is ritualistic among most tribes. The display of strength is often thought to be as much an affirmation of the machine’s devotion to their tribe as it is a way of attracting mates from the sub-genus, Backhoen.

These are the LED tears due to a lack of segment identity...because if you want to be a sales success as an automobile you have to be more than really, really, really, good looking.

My st interior isn’t rattle and creaky after 2.5 years. So yeah.

please tell me you live in So Cal and I can come write about the process

And the fiesta ST

The idea that the original ad is somehow representative of New York City is just as insulting as crushing the 911.

I bought an rf1200 when they were released. (Arai helmets don't fit me) If it fits your head I can’t recommend it enough. It’s an Amazing helmet in every way. Weight, visibility, style (especially in white) noise, airflow. I love mine.

I have this sound bar and I can confirm it’s tremendous.

I have this sound bar and I can confirm it’s tremendous.

You can ask, but...“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that.”

E36 Lightweight, for those glorious stickers

Ramirez! Prevent that pregnancy and protect against certain STDs!

Now playing

I'm really into the ED for Tokyo Ghoul this season. The fact that they have unique watercolors to go with every episode just makes it even better.

Can't say I've driven a car with an arrow pointing to which side the gas cap is on, but then again you shouldn't ever need that.