Fucking right!! Who's up for an all night Combat session? Pong? .............hello?
Fucking right!! Who's up for an all night Combat session? Pong? .............hello?
I'm gonna have to say the Playstation controllers have been my favorite. I just wish the would use some sturdier plastic or something because they are pretty week, I have to pick up number 4 sometime this month.........maybe I should rage less :) naaa
I'm pretty sure activision knew the court date was set for the 29th of May. Why would you wait until the 10th of May to hire a lawyer and then ask for an extension?? I think it should be denied. Hasn't this been dragging on for a year already?
PS3 please!
Marge is looking pretty good! I like Barts face makeup as well. I don't think I'll ever stop loving The Simpsons.
I would vote for the PS3 but it wants my email, which is alright since I have a dummy account but I don't feel like making a new user name and password just so my vote could be counted. I don't play PC games so that's why I wouldn't vote for it.
Might have to get a Redbox account for this one. MW3 just totally soured me from a day one purchase.
I guess in the end it doesn't really matter since my purchase of the PS3 version also gave me a PC copy but I was just curious.
I'm looking forward to this, I just hope it comes out EARLY JUNE and not at the tail end like it probably will.
So, will I be able to download these use made levels to my PS3? That was the point of Steam works right??
ow my balls!
That BC thing is the only thing that kind of upsets me. Other than that, I'm already standing in line at best buy with my copy of...........RIDGE RACER!!!!
I already have a black one, but I would streak naked through town for the orange one they showed off at TGS last year. 0_o
I pretty sure they said it was on the playstation blog.
This is what I want, preferably with cross play/ transferring of saves with the PS3..... or just a PSN HD touch up, I'm not greedy just get this game out!!!!
Pretty sure it never released on the XBox 360
I put 69 hours in and then moved on, the maps are too small and cluttered. It just wasn't as fun as black ops for me. I bought elite when I bought the game. What a mistake that was.... I'm also on a wait and see approach for the next COD. I sent 100 dollars on a game I probably wont' touch again in my life. Well…
Are there reviews of The Show yet? Comes out next Tue!!!
I think it's about high time that the patent troll gets his/her own picture to accompany post with
I remember the same stuff being on...........also M.A.S.H which I remember not liking, and Cheers.....Uhg what the hell did I watch?!?!?!