Because I have an old 20gb Xbox which doesn't always turn on. Once I started getting E74s I started to move my collection to the PS3. Xbox was out of warranty, I do plan on getting another one, one day but no time soon.
Because I have an old 20gb Xbox which doesn't always turn on. Once I started getting E74s I started to move my collection to the PS3. Xbox was out of warranty, I do plan on getting another one, one day but no time soon.
Can't wait!! This will be the first one I buy for my PS3, I bought the other two on Xbox. The previous games were good fun and I expect this one to be the same!
GTA V 2013
I'm sorry that was my attempt at a joke. I guess I need more practice, basically I was wondering why when ever MH comes out sales go through the roof. Moster Hunter Xbox is really burning up the charts. I think it would have been better for Capcom to make a new MH for Xbox and then if the sales didn't take off they…
This needs to come stateside! I don't care what Level-5 or Sony have to do but get this released here next year. PPPLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEEEE!!!!!!
much more intersting video on youtube. I'll have to keep an eye on this and hope it comes to the PS3
Soo.......when does this come out, is there an estimated time frame or anything?
Looking forward to it
awesome way to apply to a job, I hope she at least gets an interview.
I have to start off by saying I love my PS3 but the controller is built horribly. I'm not talking about stick placement because that doesn't bother me. I've had every Playstation home console so I'm very use to it. Something I've noticed this generation is that my PS3 controller develop this grove around the left…
Every time the PlayStation 3's firmware is updated (which, mercifully, is less often these days), users are sent scrambling to forums and comments sections looking for clues on what's been changed in their system
It's called a reboot these days, or perhaps a remake. It's been cleaned up considerably. I liked it.
Thank you! Checking it out now.
I wouldn't mind a invite if you could pass one along. I could "trade" you for a Google+ invite if you want one.
I would like a new Star Trek tv series, I haven't had a problem with any they made in the past and I think it's about time for a new one. And I hope Netflix get DS9 to stream sometime soon. Any others? yea, nae?
Haha +1 to you good sir
happy belated birthday!!!