
We should actually do something like this.......who am I kidding, we're playing online games!!!!!!

@OnWe @LordMoon both of those are great and plus 1 for Washington State Whoot!

Nice smooth landing


This should definitely be a finalist!



I like this one too! It's beautiful, I downloaded it. Might be my next backround for my cpu

Even if it is, isn't this a photo shop contest?



You forgot a some games there kid. -_- pretty sure if you owned one you would know. *shrug*

You might not use home but other people do. I might just to run around screaming I'M BACK ONLINE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*rolls dice* come on washington state........ damn! *picks up dice to try again* double or nothing

Now playing

=) thought this was fitting. Welcome back brothers and sisters the gates are starting to open!!

Thanks man, but I have to be honest. My Xbox was just sitting there until PSN was turned off, I've played more in these last 24 days than I had in the last year. I still would never get rid of it though. It has it's perks and I'm sure I'll be playing it more often now. I picked up alot of friends these last couple

And that is how I feel!! Very appropriate picture.....and after the 24th day, He began to rise again.

yup yup we're getting closer!!! I'll show my xbox a couple more hours of love I guess. :)

And this guy here was totally hacking no kills me I'm just that good LOL!

And the plot thickens.