
FFXIV is distasteful.

bro dont post that here, these mindless zombies will just attack you, keep in mind grayson didnt even get in trouble when crap hit the fan

Dishonest is a funny word to use. Let's take a look at The last of us, Uncharted, grand theft auto. Think about the context of these games, the last of us, the setting is post apocalyptic and in order to save one person you kill countless others all for the sake of survival, but you are still killing people with

Evidence for what? That some trolls that are not associated with GG attack women? That's like blaming Obama for Putins actions.

Financially supporting female game developers to make their games for a start, instead of just pointing at random stuff and tell people to feel bad about the stuff they're pointing at. There also was a fundraiser against bullying after Sam Biddles tweets (for which he has apologized). It's also the opinion of most GGs

Not really though. I posted this on the Week in Business article that Kotaku just deleted with the title "War on Women", but I guess I'll just repeat it here. Everyone has been getting death threats but Kotaku only writes about it when an anti-GG person gets the threats.

You've clearly missed the point. They are not spreading hatred at all... well maybe if the player is a sociopathic kid with issues. But I'd say this is the type of game that parents can not fuck around with. Unless they have a smart kid that won't be influenced by it, their kid shouldn't be playing it. To someone who

Lol not even close to being a KKK member hanging blacks. That's racist. This game is just mindless killing. If you've(anyone) ever gone on a random killing spree in GTA game and think this game is too far, you're a hypocrite.

Once again, *some* people are idiots... -.-

I mean sure, bomb threats are terrible in any form. But does it not bug anyone else that shes all smug on twitter like "today is the 3rd time ive faced the odds and went on stage anyway!! GO ME!" Im not condoning anything but it just irks me the wrong way putting something like that on twitter.

At least we got this cool scene of Nova chewing Tony out for Civil War.

This makes NO SENSE.

Biggest difference?

Can't believe nobody thought of Totilo...


I think nothing can amuse me more than this one.

There was a Oculus Rift demo of this game at E3, and I refused to play it. Being a large man, heightening the risk of said heart attack isn't something I like to do.

Now playing

This is Shinra Technologies. It's Square Enix's new venture into cloud gaming, headed up by former Square Enix honcho Yochi Wada. You can read more about it on the company's official site.