
Seeing this game pop up reminds me of something I talked about with my friend just a little bit ago.

Pretty damn scary, really.

Easily one of the best EVO finals I've seen for ANY game thus far.

Toilet paper. always a must next to PC:)

This video actually did help me gain a better grasp of why I hate looking at Michael Bay's movies, particularly that comparison shot of the bomb drop in Pearl Harbor and the Optimus drop from one of the Transformers movies. The first shot is dynamic and cool-looking, but as he's continued to up the ante with more

You didn't have to be a cunt about it.

But what if your brain AND eyes hate Michael Bay films?

It's okay, I'll clap with my feet.

There's been a ton of Bomberman games since that one. I think even Hudson wants to forget about Act: Zero lol (that name always made me wonder if at some point they actually really expected that crap to be popular enough to make into a series).

Considering that the original Bomberman turned into a Hard-core abortion..

Coming soon:

Just to make things funnier, the next question was both business-oriented ('asking' for an explanation for this fiscal year due to Nintendo posting operating losses for three years in a row) and less damning about that shareholder.

Seriously, fuck that guy.

I hope that Nintendo's shareholders' meeting will become an opportunity where the shareholders discuss the company's business operations from the viewpoints of capital gain and dividends.

slow clap...

Why put multi-platform games? I'm pretty sure that in 8 years we can find 12 exclusives, they don't have to be legendary games, but at least the best 12 games in the console. Where's Forza? Tales of Vesperia (it was an exclusive), Lost Odyssey? Viva Pinata? Alan Wake? (it was an exclusive too) Then there's Banjo