
It certainly helps how even within the story arc you see he’s still being taken advantage of by Lumina and he doesn’t even realize it. Guzma is a bully and not a good person but it’s fairly easy to sympathize with what drove him to these circumstances. I’d honestly argue he has more depth than most pokemon characters.


I always thought the fact that Guzma wasn’t a power hungry megalomaniac was part of the reason he was beloved from teh get go. Then I played it and I actually do agree. Guzma is heavily disillusioned by the world around him and no one is really able to give him a reason why it happened. The youth in team skull are

It’s sorta like real life. You can do your best, do everything right...and still just get utterly screwed by circumstances. I think Guzma is one of the better characters in the Pokemon world, because he’s more real than our heroes.

This was inevitable.

Cecilia, I just want to say how much I appreciate your role as Kotaku’s resident Weird Shit People Do on the Internet reporter.

It’s a little weird to come across this stuff, but my attitude is live and let live. It’s not hurting me and there are way weirder, more harmful things people can get up to in life. People have urges by nature, and this is a harmless outlet for them.

If they want residuals they can strike too. this point, I’m quite ready for the industry to stop fellating Witcher 3.

So, they took ILoveBees and turned it into a video game?

In a vacuum, the remake graphics are merely bad. A clearly low-effort attempt designed to just get something out.

In the context of being remakes, compared to the SNES originals that had some of the best sprite work of all time, it’s a completely baffling decision. Why would you take something that looks gorgeous even

The worst it the auto-play videos that chase you down the page. I’m scrolling because I want to avoid your stupid video, not watch it in a tiny format!

Me: “Hmm I wonder how the “extra projectile” legendary effect counts on shotguns.” *goes to wiki expecting quick text search*

I’m not even into fallout but this is the last thing I want out of a Wiki. Its why I can’t stand going to IGN for game news. If you just want a few pieces of information- a video takes way too long. At least for me, 90% of what I look up on the Web can be solved with a little text and/or images. If I want a

I almost teared up reading this. Achavanuntakul worked tirelessly at a time when dial up internet was still a pain for many Western countries, while most people didn’t think much of it at all except as an expensive past time.

B-b-b-but it was just a “heated gaming moment.”

Once again let us recite the parable of the asshole on the roof.

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