This was terrible to watch, and there shouldn't be any kind of justification for that behavior. You would think with competitions people would show some respect, and learn how to 'talk smack' without nearly having a stroke.
This was terrible to watch, and there shouldn't be any kind of justification for that behavior. You would think with competitions people would show some respect, and learn how to 'talk smack' without nearly having a stroke.
I remember staying up late when I got a Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future, loooooooved that game soooo much. Even trying to beat the challenges in Crazy Taxi. Now I feel super old, cause I remember some nights how I would sneak out of bed when I had to go to school just to play one more level, or one more…
Well this is good to know, I just hope that they can remove it from just about every other game. I haven't had trouble with GFWL for GTA IV, but I had a nightmare with it on Batman. Having my file corrupted 4 times [which is a big deal when you're in at about 70-80 percent], and having to restart, or it's only loading…
With you there, they creeped me out when I was little.
The show is called Sym-Bionic Titan
Is it bad that I felt a bit scared watching this? I think I'm not going to sleep well tonight.
I wouldn't say I hate them, I know one that really likes the show and I find it funny in a good way. He's very comfortable with himself and isn't ashamed to admit it, but what I don't like is the dark side that I had seen cause of it. I guess you could say I'm scarred, but after coming across some images and flash…
I loved that one, the compelling story, and the gameplay mechanics were a breeze. Not sure why it's not known by a lot of people who played the other ones, it's a must own.
This could turn out to be a new thing with the later COD franchises. Next they will have giant robots fighting giant robots, and the fight will lead to the moon.
I wanted so badly to buy Arkham City from steam during the sale, then I remembered GFWL corrupting my file in AA about 4 times which became very asinine. I managed to finish the game, and was very happy to beat it without losing again to GFWL. I think I'll have to just deal with getting Ark City for my PS3…
Here's another for the list, something more laid back.
This was the absolute, WORST part of the game, ever!! Made me so squeamish.
Think a couple jolts from electricity should do. Make sure someone is nearby to resuscitate if need be.
I still have that game along with my DC, I really did enjoy it back in the day and now. A very unique way of fighting. Beat the 'crap' (stone) out of the player, try to get all three stones before them, then transform into ultimate, and hand ass before losing the stones.
Pom Poko!
Playing games should be for fun, and I always try to have fun, and if I'm somehow in a rough mood from having a bad day and somehow something triggers my bad mood in-game, I don't take it out on anyone. I guess I've grown up to where I manage that, and it's okay to get frustrated, but I never rage.
With some of the crazy stories I've read about pertaining to gaming, I honestly wouldn't think this is impossible. I just don't get how hard it is for some to play in moderation, that's all you gotta do. As long as you have time for your job, family, and whatever else, then by all means play games.
Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!
Reminds me a little of this.
Rage is a huge topic, because it depends on the game, the situation, and the people. I never 'raged' but I've grown irritated, but I make use of it. I try not to let my frustrations get in the way by turning the way I play into strategy, cause nothing is more rewarding when you can get the ultimate payback.