
Anime director Hideaki Anno, of Evangelion fame, is producing his studio’s first TV anime series: “The Dragon Dentist.” Crunchyroll reported today that, in February 2017, Studio Khara will spin the 2014 short into two 45-minute episodes. It’s a well-wrought short with excellent world-building and character design, so

He appeared in the Gary Busey contract as well

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Track: Remnants / Shadow Scheme | Artist: Marconi Union | Album: Ghost Stations

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For some reason Kotaku has decided to give me this platform so I’m going to use it to share a very specific joke that I still find funny: this video of a band that Academy Award Winning Doom nerd Trent Reznor played in pre-Nine Inch Nails. They are called Slam Bamboo, you’re welcome.

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This is Orwell, an upcoming PC game that puts you in the shoes of Big Brother, spying on your unsuspecting populace. For their own good, of course.

The 1060 is closer in price point to the 480, so if you can find one you’re probably just better off getting a 480. That being said, the 460 comes out on Monday, look for benchmarks of that. Hopefully the price point on that will be better than the 470's without too significant a drop in performance.