
@otis123: No they said that they will disable the drm. But I fell that their servers would melt from the starin of having everyone try to backup its entire collection.

@medopal: No they did not. What they patented is their implementation of the sudo-like behavior of the UAC.

ESRB descriptions always crack me up for some reason :D

Yeah the whole blowing into the DS is getting old. I wish they had included a button alternative...

@Xuchilbara: They don't need this, they have Home. Don't you now Home is just a giant dating simulator?

She kinda looks like Bayonetta.

@Zombie16[THC]: Because the expansion packs are basically paid mods, each mod be it free or paid as a specific type of server for it. That's why you couldn't see the expansions packs servers. #ruhroh

@RockyRan: Developers use milestones to figure out at which dev stage they are. from that you can tell how complete a program is.

The JP boxart has an Indiana Jones feel to it. I like it.

@Kanji08: Have you played the Gundam VS series? They are miles better than the dynasty warrior gundam crap we get here....

@OoBaSNoRk: I was just about to say that.

@Lozmaster: Well a new decade is starting is 5 months...

@bLaZiNcOdE3: Hey, SEGA is also publishing pretty good games like Valkyria Chronicles or Yakuza so they are not going anywhere. It's the Sonic Team that need to be sealed in the deepest part of the Hall of shame of video games..... I want a Sonic Rush HD.

"and straddling things hung like a horse at various points in the movie." Oh boy....

That will look awesome next to my Golden Zelda DS Lite. No price?

Are my eyes deceiving me or are her boobs smaller than usual in that picture? Not that I'm complaining ^_^...

Black and White 3!

The screenshot made me think of a Zaku...