While Jeffrey Jones was very good in Beetlejuice, the absence of Glenn Shadix will be more missed, who is unable to reprise his role of Otho on account of being dead.
While Jeffrey Jones was very good in Beetlejuice, the absence of Glenn Shadix will be more missed, who is unable to reprise his role of Otho on account of being dead.
RIP Kotaku
Master Cheeks has made my day
Kwan is the reason I quit the first season, so knowing that they kept her and killed ______ (thanks for that, btw) I will happily skip season two.
Honestly, fuck this headline. What condescending bullshit.
I haven’t watched it yet but it would have to be a hell of an episode to make up for the rest of the meandering, wishy-washy season so far.
I smell serious copium from this article. I don’t care if people like this tv series but it sure as hell ain’t Halo. Master Cheeks is not my Chief.
This doesn’t look like a how-to guide for BG3, does Spanfeller know about this?
Write up a guide for watching each episode.
An “Office” spinoff? They do know it’s 2024, right?
How is Dragon’s Dogma a Souls-like?
Is it a reach? It was so present for a period on the platform that twitch had to put out an entirely new set of guidelines for nudity on the platform.
I love that Kotaku write about twitch happenings. But why is it always the hot chick streamer “gamergirl”? Why is it always something slightly kinky, or slightly queer? (Kinda love the queer stuff just because there’s so little of it in society, but there’s plenty of kink). You make me think the word “fandom” is…
I love how everyone who disagrees with women objectifying themselves, in a space it doesn’t belong, is labeled an incel.
Isn’t part of his point that, while the setting is current, America isn’t all that exceptional when it comes to this sort of thing? That civil wars occur, for the same sorts of reasons, all over the world because humanity shares an inherent tribalism that’s always looking for an excuse to rear its ugly head?
Well you’ll find both sides doing it today.
Idiots? Like folks who don’t understand the difference between how the Chinese government operates versus the US?
Even cooler than Max Atreides, Paul’s sand-surfing younger brother who wears sunglasses and backwards baseball cap?
The only reason you don’t have more stars is because folks today just can’t stand that whole reading thing. Can you please repost your thoughts in a different format? Might I suggest a short form video?