“Johnson may never reveal exactly what the difference is between the Madame Web she signed up for and the one that made it to the screen”
“Johnson may never reveal exactly what the difference is between the Madame Web she signed up for and the one that made it to the screen”
He’s not wrong, but I feel as though the issue isn’t that the loudest assholes forget that these are people, it’s that they’re assholes and they just don’t care.
It’s a glowing article for a game that was just slightly too early in MMO parlance to hit the balance that defined a successful entry. The character generator was entry level, and only significant in that it hadn’t been done before, and has since been surpassed several times over. The crafting system was fine if you…
The U.S. needs workers to grow the economy and take care of our aging population. The answer is staring us right in the border. Just let these people in, and then put them to work and tax them. Oh noes, too many undocumented aliens in the U.S.??? Fuckin’ give them documents. This shit isn’t rocket science.
Disgusting. Jon Stewart didn’t even fix every problem with America in this 20 minute comedy show. And he didn’t spend it earnestly staring into the camera and saying “Trump is not normal!” ad nauseam. Both-sidesing piece of shit, I hope he dies.
Just thought I’d get that comment out of the way ASAP.
Belongs up there with the self-justification “I wasn’t going to buy it anyway so it’s ok if I pirate it and put dozens of hours into it”
Odd that Nintendo went after Yuzu but not Ryujinx. Maybe because Yuzu put its latest builds behind Patreon paywalls?
“At the time, BioWare’s pedigree as one of the best RPG crafters in the business—thanks to masterpieces like the Mass Effect trilogy, Knights of the Old Republic, and Dragon Age Origins—probably swayed my opinions a bit.”
Love everything about this. I hope this sells incredibly well. Seems like so much love was put into it. And if it does well maybe we’ll get ports of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight and it’s expansion, Mysteries of the Sith.
You both misspelled Syphon Filter.
#1 could have stopped after 4 words
Lefty blogosphere: Cancel culture doesn’t exist!
Well if his agents also advised him not to say how much he loves a rapist (Vince McMahon) he shouldn’t have ignored them on that one.
Exactly, and frankly implementing an easy mode would be simple. Make the game as you want it to be, so creator intent is intact. For easy mode simply modify the player character base stats of say damage dealt and damage taken, boost damage dealt reduce damage taken, everything else stays the same. No need to modify…
I always read that pasta as “This is all I have and your choices make me feel bad.”
I don’t think you can just offhandedly define videogames as a thing like that, at least not if you want to be taken seriously. It’s pointlessly and incorrectly reductive. Video games are a medium and an art form just like any other, and they can be designed for any number of playstyles or reactions they’d like to draw…
Inhumans, maybe?
Remember when Olbermann retired his GQ show after the Mueller report was published? “I’m satisfied that justice will take it’s due course.”
...Yeah? How’d that work out, Keith?
I guess they missed that his criticism of Trump also included that he’s a fascist piece of shit, but hey, get mad because your side insisted on a useless old fossil in order to beat a malevolent old fossil. That is totally Stewart’s fault. Totally.
Atlas is a corporation, not a person