
If we claim enough games are getting ports/remakes/remasters for switch 2, some of them have got to be right

Uh, if you hadn't figured it out through the course of Remake, the final scenes spell it ouf for you 

So.. (reads article.. then reads it again) Alyssa Milano makes the EXACT same point as you are making in the article (aka: its been 26 years, get over it) and you not only judge her for it, but write an article lambasting her for making the same point you are?
“Okay Google.. is there a word when you are both ironic

I never understood the problem with that. Wasn’t pretty much the very first theory with the first trailer that Joel would die or is already dead in the game.
There were whole discussion over the trailer as far as I remember.

That people really got pissed about a friggin story-arc. And not even a really new one. Its

Halo season two will win over the naysayers

Now THAT is silly.  

the Chief depicted in all other Halo media would testify in the court martial against TV show Chief after he sexually assaulted a prisoner of war who cannot give objective consent

No. If you’re so progressive, do something about the rest of your state. Clean up, or fuck off.

Maybe you should read the linked article (not just the title) before stating that someone is misquoting it. Literally the third sentence:

Theory channel and Youtube Grandpa MatPat announces that he is stepping down from hosting his numerous theory channels(which started with GAMEtheory) and crickets from this site

This is a side effect of the left claiming that “context doesn’t matter” anymore for the better part of a decade. 

The Outer Worlds is Fallout in Space with simplified dialogue options and weirder weapons and no vaults. There’s almost no connection to Borderlands other than Borderlands and Fallout both being obsessed with vaults.

Thank fuck honestly, that’s refreshing. Not every damn rpg needs a dating sim built in.

Just your routine reminder that paying for early access really means you are likely paying more for an unfinished product.  Nothing to see here. 

A toast to every “Buyer beware”-ignoring idiot who paid extra money for early access - and perpetuated one of the worst elements of pre-order game distribution - getting what they deserved.

But the new song I’m writing, ‘Hit Me Baby, One More Time’, will do fine, right?

I don’t know. On principle, not letting the psychotic internet fan base of someone you dated 20 years ago dictate your career decisions seems healthy. 

Slaps is what people say when they don’t really have much interesting to say about music, isn’t it?

“Everything we know about the Nintendo Switch 2"