
If the character traits of said character are more inline with the actor playing them, then we may draw a line of inference that suggests those traits didn’t come from the writers, but from the actor themself.  What I’m suggesting here is the Hyde is as much of a rapist as Danny is.

How many people have rewatched That 70's Show within the past few years? If you haven’t you probably should, and pay attention to a few choice jokes made by Hyde concerning a woman’s ability to give consent. One such joke is him saying “she can’t say no if she’s unconscious”. 

I used to really like MrLlamaSC (a Diablo 2 streamer for those that don’t know), but the overwhelming negativity for anything NOT specifically Diablo 2 not just from him but from his community as well really killed any enjoyment I had. If I do watch any of his VODs, I have to make it a point not to read the chat

Honestly, I feel that’s fair.

Weren’t they also supposed to make it harder to review bomb after TLoU2 released?

Because just under the surface are a looooooot of nerds that are still angry that Diablo 3 wasn’t Diablo 2.1, and still think Diablo 3 massively under sold compared to Diablo 2.

Consequences for what exactly?  Not knowing ahead of time which skills are actually viable in the mid-end game?  That was massive problem that plagued Diablo 2 AND 3, and there’s literally no reason to think it won’t be a problem in 4.  ARPG’s are not the genre you play when you want “build consequences” or

Correct me if I’m wrong, most of that stuff involving Gibson happened pre-MeToo and pre-Twitter dogpiling/harassment campaigns. As for Dave (I don’t know who the other guy is), as frustrating as it might be, we as a species are not a monolith. Each one of us are capable of individual thought and opinions. For everyone

Same bestie, same.

As opposed to the already long list of terrible movies and tv shows based on video games?

I think that’s a copout excuse that gives people a convenient boogeyman to blame in situations like this.  The world for centuries has catered to straight males, a large percentage of it catered to straight white males.  The video game industry has been no different.  Any change to that status quo is regarded as an

Yeah, that’s a hostile takeover.

So what I’m reading is RE5 has no redeeming qualities.  

First and foremost: Let the Order be.  Just let it stand.  It’s already been destroyed from within twice by now.  Let us actually see it get rebuilt and let us see it flourish. 

I think a simple solution beyond presenting the rare character like Slughorn would’ve been to present antagonists that DIDN’T come from Slytherin. It’s kind of hard to make the argument that “not all Slytherin were bad” when all the bad guys were from Slytherin though.  Just something that occurred to me while I was

I’m choosing to believe this is satire.

You know what I’ve found as I get older? The more developers try to out of their way to create an endless gameplay loop, the less likely I am to engage with it. Give me a solid game that is just fun to play, don’t force me into unskippable cutscenes upon repeated playthroughs of the story, and I’ll put 300 hours into

Actually, yes.  I did forget about the Patel twins.

THAT EXPLAINS IT!  Here was I thinking they shot that in front of a green screen and photoshopped the location and crowd of people in.

How can you say the shooting was unwarranted if you don’t know what it was?  Most of these “harmless pranks” for Youtube involve making people think they (or someone in their vicinity) is under attack.