
People rely on “but it’s my opinion” WAAAY too damn much to justify their bad takes.  Just because it’s your opinion doesn’t mean you can’t be wrong.  It just means you have a wrong opinion.

You say she never faced any consequences but that alt right movie she proudly announced she was working after getting canned from The Mandalorian made like 1400 bucks, and she’s essentially blacklisted from any large major roles.  That seems pretty damn consequential to me.

I don’t typically respond to news like this with “FINALLY”, but this time it’s appropriate. It’s not that I want the show to end because of it’s declining quality (which it IS) or because they killed of Jeff Garlin (a move I can understand) but because the enduring premise was unsustainable long term. They wanted the

The only real criticism is FromSoft is doing what a lot of other companies do with their successful single player franchises.  Just keep making the same game over and over again with some improvements along the way.

Yeah he’s a silly character.  But I’m talking about the actual special effects they used for his face were super bad.  There were times when he was talking to Scott (for instance) and although they were facing each other it looks like MODOK is just looking in the general direction of Scott like he’s completely blind

Legal Math with Judge Mathis.

I think the best place to start is to ask “what the hell were they thinking with that MODOK cgi”!?

Let’s start with the fearmongering. There is this idea put forth by TERF’s (and that’s how she chose to identify herself, not a label we put on her) that male to female and non-binary female trans women are in fact just men pretending to be trans so they have an excuse to get close to and assault women. Especially

Its hard to separate the art from the artist when her views are present IN the art itself. When the money you give her actively goes towards funding bigots in power. And this isn’t some Scott Cawthorn thing where he’s donating to the Republican party as a whole so you can interpret what that means.  No, she makes it a

Vilifying “fat” and/or “ugly” people simply because they are fat and/or ugly was never good look in children’s books.  That is and always has been plain to see.  But going so far as to remove references to “mom” or “dad”, why?  That makes no sense.  I understand there needs to be a platform for more gender and

Yeah but that would mean the game is actually fun instead of the vaguely Dark Soulsesque slogfest.

I think it’s the opposite. They got too much attention as children. They grew up hearing in a sweet sing song voice that their opinion is just as important as anyone elses, and no one should ever tell them they’re wrong because there’s no such thing as a wrong opinion.  Over and over and over and over ad nauseum.  

I think this is US only because I don’t see the full episodes.  Only trailers and interviews.

The threshold for the Phoenix University is pretty freaking low.

I feel like you could’ve talked more about the parallels between the Goblins that go “too far” and resort to violence to get their message heard and the current day oppressed people that have to resort to violence to get their message heard. The game is VERY CLEARLY tone deaf with that message.  And if it’s

And you would be wrong. When US lawmakers quote someone for their Anti-Trans bills it’s not Musk they’re quoting, it’s JK Rowling.

My guess is it took 15 months for prosecutors to find a loophole that allowed the Deputy to be charged in a way that the union couldn’t refute. Police Officers are unfortunately exempt from being charged with a lot of civilian crimes, and speeding is one of them.  I don’t mean speeding when it’s necessary, I mean

I was hoping Black Widow would be the next Winter Soldier. When it ended up being Black Widow and her kooky family I gave up on Marvel ever doing another serious movie.  I know Guardians 3 has the potential to be a serious movie, but so did Love and Thunder and that movie was over the top comedy for the vast majority

Same here. Apparently his companion quest is triggered not through him but through is right hand person (I forget their name). It’s an easily missed side quest that has a long term consequence for missing it. I was very grumpy when I got to that point because Iron Bull was the physical backbone of my party up to that

Zevran would be THE WORST boyfriend.  The moment you turned your back on him, he would be shoulder deep in the first piece of ass that comes along.