
Yeah, those tone shifts can definitely be a bit jarring...

first problem with the hypotheses:

dragonball 1-1, Bulma is trapped by a flying dinosaur and is on her way to become dinner, without goku she dies right there.


How about some progress?? VR animated Gianna Michaels??

There are times when I like Ian Bogost and there are times when I think he's basically just writing the Cow Clicker version of games writing.

Want to know what is even worse? A whole generation of people claiming that cultural objects are inert dead things that somehow are produced in a cultural vacuum, with those same people telling everybody "you're reading too much into it," ie the end of critical discourse

If you are coming to the comment section for reasonable discourse, stop. Turn back now.

"Hi, I'd like to hear a TCP joke."
"Hello. Would you like to hear a TCP joke?"
"Yes, I'd like to hear a TCP joke."
"OK, I will tell you a TCP joke."
"Ok, I will hear a TCP joke."
"Are you ready to hear a TCP joke?"
"Yes, I am ready to hear a TCP joke."
"Ok, I am about to send the TCP joke. It will last 10 seconds, it has

Phew. Thanks for heads up, I was putting my pants on to leave when you replied.

Well shit negro! That's the only cosplay you had to show me.

Whose got some shit to say about jak and daxter?

It also has the best burn retort anyone has ever said to Batman.

I usually keep one earbud popped off so I can still hear people.

Confession time: I've only had a PS3 for maybe 8 months, total. I got one roughly a year ago, and lost the use of it for several months due to the fact that I have a two-year-old, and they break things.