
I think there are some pretty positive takeaways from Hallquist’s campaign in Vermont. It was an example of the future in many ways - a transwoman ran a campaign where, at least inside the state, her trans status was largely ignored. It garnered a lot of external attention, but most of the Vermont-based reporting and

Full term is generally 38 to 40 weeks for a normal risk pregnancy. (Pregnancy is technically 10 “months” at 4 weeks per month). 

For sure, Lisa should sue Mark Zuckerberg for letting this happen!

Because you think being a long-term fan, and paying to go to an event (which was not exclusively about this announcement, was it?) means you are entitled to have the developer feed your exact desires and nothing else, ever. 

If you paid to go to Blizzcon just on the offchance you’d hear Diablo IV announced (and is that a good reason to spend all that money??), you pretty much begged to have that money wasted.

Sure, because everyone paid to go to Blizzcon just to hear this one announcement. And, definitely, that was a totally rational thing to do.

I don’t understand why they couldn’t find an HIV positive actor to portray Freddie Mercury. His life and death with AIDS is a crucial part of his story, and picking a cisgender healthy man to play him contributes to the erasure of the AIDS experience. 

You’re arguing that they should be cheaper, not that they are cheaper as the headline clearly states. Armchair economic hypothesizing doesn’t translate into actually cheaper tickets. 

How messed up are your life priorities that you spend your Sunday afternoon angry commenting on blogs about how other people lack self discipline in their life habits? 

I actually like the Freschetta pepperoni, what about it is “wow bad” for you? 

That “strong Christian background” phrase always makes me chuckle. Maybe she was raised by zealots dedicated to their particular mythology and committed to indoctrinating their children into believing the same supernatural particulars? 

Its for emergencies, should they hide it where no one can find it? 

The permission is because Rockstar employees felt “frustrated with the narrative” - that narrative being that they were forced to work crazy overtime hours all the time. That is pretty clear implied consent to publish stories that counteract the narrative, and any employee who says “yeah my boss says 100-work weeks

What proportion of the population are recent immigrants? How does that stack up against their representation on TV? 

Hi! Read article, watch video, ask questions after. 

I guess by that measure, there were probably plenty of things in the  United States that weren’t the United States that had presidents. So maybe George Washington was like the 1500th person to be president in the United States, after local debate clubs, brewing associations, and trade guilds or whatever? 

Actually, not even that. He was a discussion moderator, not a prime minister or speaker. He had no power and his role was largely ceremonial. 

I’m stupider for having read this. Nothing about chocolate chips is anything other than people thought, and John Hanson was basically the first moderator of the continental delegation. He was not, in any sense, a President of the United States (nor were his multiple successors in that role). 

Weird, I was expecting to see a drop kick. I don’t know what that kick is called, but he jumped in the air and tried to hit with both feet. That’s not a drop kick. 

All these super famous comedians also came up finding ways to do comedy without alienating huge swaths of potential audiences... It’s just that people in their teens and 20s have different tastes (and different ways to be offended) than people in their 30s and 40s, or 50s and 60s, and so on. I’m sure Mulaney will find