
I call bullshit on the idea that the only people who want to keep Israel are war profiteers and religious fanatics. The rest are what, happy to let Israel go? Surrender citizenship, roll it all back, become Jordanian perhaps or Egyptian? That’s a ridiculous statement.

Just out of curiosity, if you were in charge of border security for the Israeli military, how would you handle this situation?

This is actually wrong. It does not ‘just’ prevent fertilization; even a simple Google search would tell you that much.

A dishonorable discharge isn’t a felony. Crimes are felonies. You can be DD’d for a felony, but that doesn’t mean a DD == felony.

But did the nice lady get her card back OR WHAT?

A fair amount of them might be on individual contracts (with high turnover regardless of fadness) or at contracted support sites — call / support centers that might handle support for multiple different applications, where folks can transition from one team to another as things change.

If some dick ever asks you to resign, make sure you say no and make them fire your ass. That way you can sue for wrongful termination and also collect unemployment benefits. Anyone asking you to resign is covering their OWN ass by making your departure “voluntary” and hoping it doesn’t come back to hit them in the

If they “inherit” any assets that are burdened by debt, then they may not personally be liable but they have to manage the assets in order to pay off secured debts.

That only works for secured debts (debts backed with an interest [security] in an asset).

The fact that Sallie Mae forgives some loans on the death of a parent is in the actual article, which part do you think isn’t fully accurate?

The risk is priced in either way. If you didn’t pay that fee in Brazil, your loans would cost somewhat more. If we did that in the U.S., loan costs might decrease slightly (eventually) while people would pay the fee on top of loan costs. Different ways of accomplishing the same thing, but never let that get in the way

The gauntlet looks to have already been destroyed at the end of Infinity War, so that part might be over with. He’s not getting another one from the 50 Foot Tall “dwarf.”

Don’t blame the characters in the plot, blame the authors of the plot! OK, true, but it means you can never discuss the value or wisdom of any decision of any character in any plot. It may have been in-character, it was still a stupid, stupid thing for him to do (as far as he or anyone except possibly Strange could

She asked for advice on how to fix the relationship. If she didn’t want to do something to fix it, she wouldn’t ask. Not doing anything, not taking any action, just leaving, etc. are not steps to take to fix a relationship.

Are you arguing that characters should be portrayed by actors of the same ethnic descent? That’s not an unreasonable argument, although it might be limiting in many circumstances. But I think you could persuasively make the case that Chinese actors shouldn’t portray Japanese characters or vice versa, and so on for

I could be wrong, but I’ve seen a half dozen all-Asian moves in the last year and had the impression that movies with all-Asian casts come out almost daily. Did you mean the only major studio big budget feature, in English, made in the United States starring cast members whose careers focus on the American market?

Sure it is. All that info could be reported directly to the IRS, and they could leverage technology knowing as computing to work all that shit out for you rather than turning 30 million people into tax amateurists at the mercy of TurboTax’s perky and cheerful filing service.

Because that shit gets reported to the IRS as it happens, just like a thousand other things that already get automatically reported. Do you think, on the list of 1st world nations with automatic tax filing, that people lead less complicated lives (no births, no homes!) in every one? Or have they found ways to make

And! There is such a thing as a professional geologist license, and many states require it depending on the type of work someone is doing.

No, someone with an undergrad degree in history who works at Starbucks is not a historian. Maybe, if they work independently on developing history, they could be an amateur historian? But a historian is someone who works on expanding historical knowledge, not just someone who took six to eight history classes as an