Did you take hormone-based birth control at any point prior to menopause? Did it help or have any effect?
Did you take hormone-based birth control at any point prior to menopause? Did it help or have any effect?
Having more insurance wouldn’t necessarily fix all that much. I attended a lecture given by Robert Shapiro where the upshot was: they have basically no idea what causes a migraine or even what it is, there are many variations they don’t understand, and all of the available treatments are - at best- minimally effective…
So when you lie about shit, and people point it out, they are making excuses for him? That’s rich. Don’t you think there is enough wrong with what he has done, and all these other assholes, without piling on actual false bullshit on top of it all?
Same, would find serving on a jury super interesting but have never been called. They should allow people to select a pinch hitter.
Yes - because MLM isn’t a pure pyramid scheme, since actual products are being sold to actual consumers (and not just the bottom rung of pyramid participants). So in that sense, they are not the literal definition of pyramid scheme.
The classic, fraudulent pyramid scheme is based on a product that is irrelevant (or no product) because the purpose of the scheme is the pyramid itself. If it’s a product with substantial consumer sales (i.e. not just pyramid participants), then it is distinguished as multi-level marketing. He’s making a public…
Ok, fair. It’s criminal simple assault, chargeable in federal jurisdiction also as interference with a flight crew... Which under 49 USC is punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Yeah I didn’t see any comments like that (hopefully they were dismissed), so I didn’t realize that was actually happening. Keep on dismissing those losers, although maybe hold on to the worst one you find so the rest of us can get a view of the cesspool.
Being emotionally abused is a valid reason for committing a federal felony on a flying tin can? Are you sure you’re sure about that?
I guess only “MRA types”, who are easy for you to dismiss as raging crazies, would see the hypocrisy in your story and other responses and think that it matters.
That was a federal crime, likely a felony assault. You’re lucky you didn’t end up in prison. I’m not sure that assault - especially those assaults intended to inflict maximum pain - is ever something to brag about or to use to collect props from folks who think that betrayal justifies violence (would anyone be…
So children with black and white ancestry can’t be considered black, now? They are white-proximate? And black men who love white women, or at least ‘some’, do so because they have a toxic hatred of black women? They can’t actually, you know, love a white woman? It must be nice to be the Chair of the Identity…
Wouldn’t the cost of production for just a few hundred pairs be extremely high compared to runs normally in the tens of thousands? Have to retool the whole production line to get something that is more than just a different color?
There are dozens of style guides just for American English, and none of the three you listed (which are the ones that virtually every American student learns for citing academic papers) are specifically for journalism. You may also remember that there is a list of other English-speaking countries (including England!),…
Despite your condescending lecture, there are varying styles with different approaches to title capitalization and none of the styles amount to “standards set and agreed upon” for the entire English language.
Have you ever been interviewed for a newspaper story or read one that was printed about a topic you were very familiar with? If it sounds like a room full of transplant surgeons are making totally irrational and mean-spirited decisions for no reason, there’s a reasonable chance the reporters missed something relevant.
Of course there is. The doctors also have a responsibility to make sure the donor doesn’t up and get himself killed after surgery. Both donor and recipient are patients whose health must be protected.
I wonder if there’s any chance that the doctors whose job it is do perform kidney transplant surgery might know just a little more about this situation than you do. Think that’s possible?
How much do you think 2 feet of snow that is 300x150 feet weighs?