
Unfortunately it’s powered by diesel and has 3 open recalls on it.

Yeah, it’s “mom.”

It’s OK. I understand. I don’t want it either.


Fancy Kristen,

Once you reach a certain age, pitching a tent gets harder and harder.

“They say they love you, but they will forsake you. This, I know.”

I love the Titan armor in this game. They look awesome. :)

Millenial and long-time wagon hater. Volvo has been making me question my identity since the Concept Estate.

So clearly they’ve both found...this lady..., and are opening up a new club downtown.

Can it run Crysis?

I’m 29, bought my Sportster 10 years ago, as liberal as they come in WA state. I’m pretty typical in most aspects that you’d expect from my demographic.

I’d keep my job, just to roll up in that to client meetings. (I’m a claims adjuster)

Yes, and I’m making a “can’t hear you” joke.

You guys recommend me a model T and this guy gets a skyline?

Clerk “One meth injection kit Scion TC”

You’re right. He loves that shit. May even tell him he’s Hawaii’n when he gets old enough.


/starts singing “You’re Welcome” from Moana, which your 1-year old probably loves.

“It looks like the Frog is out of the show.”