The blog article version of a lay-up.........Lay-ups win games.
The blog article version of a lay-up.........Lay-ups win games.
I have starred more comments from this post than I ever have on this site. Well done all.
I’ve been filling holes on beaches for years my man.
If Trump has taught the world anything, it’s that Rich people look to Twitter for great advice.
Any significance to the high score?
Good review. I will admit that I miss the “Back of the box quote” from the old reviews. Battle slinkies coulda had some legs.
Why does it look like a Mercury?
I maintain that my A7 is the best looking sedan ever made. #ComeFightMe
Work computer. I’m sure I’m on enough HR lists as it is.
I would regale you with my story, but currently “SPONSORED LINKS BY TABOOLA” is covering the majority of my screen so I cant see past the first 100 char of my or anyone else’s comment. Guess I’ll just click on this “30 Car Cleaning Hack from Industry Ins OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE
Valve just released some new VR hardware (base stations) to Devs. Besides wireless, what are you hoping for from the second gen of VR?
Gimme #FancyKristen’s hot take.
Klatu Verata Nictu?
I commiserate with Kaplan and some of the commenters. While I sometimes struggle to associate/identify with people who get upset over cultural appropriation, it doesn’t mean they are not actually offended, and I am not out to offend anyone. With that said, given the availability of such wide swaths of information…
Great - I’ll get Uncle Gaben on the horn and we’ll see what we can do.
Robb! I want to sponsor again! I have a new Half-Life 3 update
I was really hoping for a bit more of a leap away from Destiny 1.
I give VR four stars. I was just like the old dude in that Samsung Christmas ad: YOU GOTTA TRY THIS! Me and my 67 year old Father currently hold the highest score in the world for a Vive game. Your dream is legit.
Dammit why Can’t fruit be compared? Also - I’m thinking ME:A had about 6000 more hours of dialogue than Injustice does.