
I’ve never said “wut?” out load so many times in 8 minutes in my life.

I don’t think the ‘legends league’ is doing a lot to help your cause either. (that’s the one in their undies, right?)

“Boy don’t have the balls to take me on the outside”

Yeah. They should think of a new name for it. Like eSport or something.

I wonder if clicking the green ‘upgrade’ button at the top also brings you to preorder.

Not considered: David Tracey’s Jeep. Right now its averaging about $9k every 20 miles.

I really enjoyed vainglory’s eye tracking joke.

How would you characterize Fusion versus the original Gawker?

I feel you. I’m from Minneapolis and have to drive by that bridge constantly.

Proud owner of a son and a German Sedan. Go used, get a third party warranty that covers until the kid has a deeper voice than you, and keep enjoying driving. I can fit ALL THE STROLLERS in my a7, and the kid will grow up not hating cars. Go mid size tho. No 3 series/A4s/C classes.

Was it hard to type this with one hand patting yourself on the back for calling all this stuff over the last year? :P

Shore leave!

For some reason, anything by Justice just reminds me of this guy;

I’m 90% sure Fallout 3 was set in his backyard.

My first car was a firebird. That lead image gives me all the feels.

I think Kotaku needs a new tag for articles that outline shitty monetization policies.

Great article, but by my calculations, I believe it needs at least 4700% more Jack.

I find its a nice haven where you can go to play multiplayer while still avoiding the shitty people of the internet. Just enough communication options to make it work.