
Why is the emo guy from DMC wearing Beats by Dre?

Finally I see some love for Lunar.

Did you pound out your ESO review yet? You can't have your pudding until you eat your meat.

Those are Trans Am wheelies on 'teh wagon.

Yes, typically fans and Kotaku readers are horrible people with horrible ideas. I wouldn't listen to us.

I can literally hear someone photo-shopping Bob in as we speak.

That's going to make roadkill much more visceral

That Quantcast link just cleared the rest of my day. Ridiculously interesting. I've always assumed there was a correlation between commenter hostility and affluence, but now i have quasi-concrete data to back it up.

There is money, and then there is Facebook money.

I'm still on the fence about this buyout; granted he makes some good points about the springboard to the next level of VR that occurs with $2b, but Oculus was just in a great spot before that really excited gamer's. Now, we are forced to choose from Sony or Facebook.

That's Paul Bunyon (Pauladin?)(Bunyadin)(Paulther Lightbringer?)

Lot of eggs in that basket, eh?

At first I was extremely disappointed, but when the advertisement video popped up over your article and I sat and watched it for the ump-teenth time before angrily clicking it away, I understood and am glad you're in a better place.

And, you sir, are the reason the internet is awful.


I have one i'd love to trade for a PC beta code...

Anyone interested in trading an XBOX ONE Beta code for a PC Beta code?

At best, she was 9 when the game launched.

All they did was clime it. I would be really impressed to see what they did to hang the crane.

You just turned my junk into the equivalent of an 86 Fierro