You should seek psychiatric help rather than waiting on a corporation to acknowledge your toxicity for some sort of self satisfaction.
You should seek psychiatric help rather than waiting on a corporation to acknowledge your toxicity for some sort of self satisfaction.
This fucker better rot in a cage.
And to add... When other (older) car companies lay off workers (union or not), no one bats an eye. When Tesla does it, “OMFG! Call the ethics police!”
hi guys... this car is easily worth that even in crap shape.... but since it’s not sexy euro garbage it will crack pipe. yay jalop!
This car reminds me of the old wives tale I heard when I was younger, that body shops put pinstripes on the cars they really had to do a lot of work to in order to warn others in the know to avoid that car...
we are literally here to judge people about the kinds of cars they drive. i’m not saying every traitor and money launderer drives a RR or benz, but i’m pretty sure most money launderers drive one of them.
“In my mind, Tesla’s core competency is their technology. And that 17-inch touchscreen is the embodiment of Tesla’s technological prowess.“
Saab died while engaged in autoerotic-asphyxiation.
Saturn quietly gave all of their food, housing, clothes, etc away and died from exposure.
Hummer grew too fat and when it was in trouble, was too bloated to be rescued in time.
Oldsmobile was due for the pasture the second it was usurped by Caddy.
The only straight up…
Unions have existed in this country since the 1850s
In the case of the auto industry, Ford’s 1914 $5 dollar day came in the wake of an organizing drive at Ford’s main assembly plant by the Industrial Workers of the World, a radical, anarchist-led labor federation, in 1913.
Also, Ford’s $5 dollar day wasn’t exactly a…
Since January.
Some people like filling up half the parking spaces with giant vehicles they have no real practical use for making it dangerous for people who buy actually vehicles that fit their needs to back up. Parking should be like mullets: short in front (small cars) & long in back (big ass trucks & SUVs as far from the store…
I am in the military. Trained soldiers have a tough enough time mastering the use of this equipment. There is no need for the police to have this stuff, cops aren’t supposed to be soldiers.
maybe, fuel?
Drove one once, the interior, oh god, that sucked. Went fast though. For $18K I’d buy my old ‘06 GTO though, much better car.
On Monday evening, Late Night host Seth Meyers delivered a powerful, scathing monologue about the weekend’s events…