
My guess was right, Microsoft clicked that PC is theirs to take seeings as almost every gaming PC has windows and now they’re going to cater to both xbox one and PC as one platform, the best move they could do. Open the xbox one to work with PCs at a whole new level, (mods on xbox one, what?) and hopefully make their

Should also note, that a computer with Windows 8 can also do this. I sometimes use my Laptop. With a Laptop, it also might be helpful to know that this app will take use of your computer’s keyboard. So if you bring up the “virtual keyboard” on your Xbox One, and have this App open on your computer, you can use your

Market cap was $20b in August of’re simply wrong.

I really liked Fallout 3. Someone should make a sequal to that.

"What are people complaining about? This looks awes..."

I wish more publishers take a note from how well 2K did with its DLC on Borderlands 2. Well worth the $30 season pass it had at release. Several new character and areas ECT.

"Far Cry 4's DLC forces you to grind until you die for no reason."

Would LOVE a blood dragon 2! As massive as FC4 is, I could still stand to play more. My pick for GOTY.

What are the odds of a Blood Dragon 2? That was one of my favorite experiences of 2013, and I'm really hoping it gets the "bad sequel" treatment, in an excellent way.

Those Far Cry outpost liberations were the stuff of legends.

all the supernatural ones and the future sound bleh, no thanks. The western one would just be Call of Juarez right?

Blood Dragon 2! Another game set in that wacky 80's future setting would be amazing. Also: Michael Biehn.


Am I the only who feels that when companies send out surveys like this, it proves they don't know what they're doing? I don't recall them sending out a survey asking people if they wanted a badass 80's nostalgia trip with blood dragons and cheesy action one-liners. They just fucking did it and said here, you'll like

I liked Far Cry 3 and I'm enjoying Far Cry 4 but man, I still REALLY miss the more advanced AI of Far Cry 2. I miss enemies that had wounded states and would crawl away to hide, or enemies that would smartly flank me, or enemies that would come to the aid of their wounded comrades.

Man, between this and Battleborn, I hate how all of these awesome looking shooters are all multiplayer based and (presumably) only on PC. I won't be able to play them!

"team-based multiplayer shooter"

Wow. I'm kind of having a hard time processing that South Park is so incredibly on point with this. This episode is friggin great.

I absolutely loved this episode. It made the whole debacle palatable to even the most skeptical "gamer". Free-to-play, freemium, and "free to download" are fucked up business practices that serve only to make the developers money, and do absolutely NOTHING to help promote good business practices. It should be a crime