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He was wasted as well. Sadly.

Just delete the remaining unwatched shows. Because there is NOTHING there worth watching. And that ending was just the final kick in the gut for a once-good show that has turned to total shit.

Season 1 of Sleepy Hollow was utterly fantastic.

I loved Birdman... I really did. Everything about it. And yeah, I was spending as much time admiring the film-making and the acting as I was enjoying the story... I understand wanting to be lost in the story so you don’t NOTICE the film-making or acting, and that’s normally what I prefer too, but ... this was a work

I didn’t find it boring, honestly. I was prepared for it to be, and it wasn’t. I liked it better than “Man of Steel”.

I have to disagree on many points... first off, I liked it better than “Men of Steel”, and thought it was entertaining all the way through. Deeply flawed, and yeah, Lex Luthor was a total miscasting... but in general I was entertained, and Wonder Woman stole the show. It was never boring, I have no idea where that

And a Coach McGurk.

Not sure why you posted this 32 times.... yeesh.

No, I really don’t have problems. But if you can’t see how badly the “blue internet girl” episode was, perhaps YOU do. Stop defending terrible writing and acting and plotting and characterization. Have higher standards.

But the CRAZY is FUN.

I stopped watching because it was getting worse and worse, until an episode that was so mind-bendingly bad I couldn’t watch anymore because it was so fucking painful. Just horrible. Terrible. That blue internet girl episode had absolutely zero redeeming value. No charm, no fun, nothing but painful stupidity, poorly

No, see... Gotham is FUN. This show is just ... mostly stupid and badly written and badly acted.

I don’t get how people can think this show is good. The episode with the blue internet villain girl and the missile launch was so actively, painfully stupid... so actively, PAINFUL, bad... I had to just stop watching. So terrible. And I so wanted it to be good. But it’s just not.

A few episodes, with the internet blue girl and the missile launch thing? That episode was so terrible, so horrible, so awful on every level, I checked out. and it had been going downhill for several episodes before that. So no, it’s NOT good, and it’s not “getting better”.

So two immediate questions spring to mind: 1) What was that powder he was sprinkling onto the layered steel ingot at the beginning, and 2) the scene of twisting the metal didn’t seem to have anything to do with the sword... just seemed randomly inserted for cool factor. What that metal piece actually used in the sword

So, the current season is in “December”... yet they’re in Virginia, and it’s totally summer there. Is global warming THAT bad in this universe? We’ve never really seen winter. And winter DOES happen, even around Atlanta, let alone around Alexandria.

The movie would have been so much better without the Starkiller Base plot. It was under-developed to the point of being distracting and silly. They should have saved that for the next movie, and built up to it.

Radar absorbing stealth coating?

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