
That is completely untrue.

It’s absolutely amazing how brilliant The Lord of the Rings trilogy is.

And how does it compare to the 930 Camera? Or the Lumia 950?

So finally another phone besides Windows Phone comes with a “Glance” screen? Cool, but please stop pretending this feature hasn’t already been available for years.

I’m really tired Windows Phone bashing. I use one by choice. I actually prefer it. Better cameras and better on-screen keyboard than the competition (and I use both constantly), love the live tile interface.... you can pry my Lumia 950 out of my cold dead hands, thanks. And yes, I’ve tried other phones. This is my

Missed opportunity: The music should have been the theme to “Brokeback Mountain”

You stopped one episode too soon... episode 4 is where it kicked into gear.

It’s a ton of fun. Hilarious. I loved it. Best premiere episode of any show in a long while. No idea what you’re talking about. It was great.

Constantine belongs on the CW on Friday. As part of the shared Flash/Arrow/Legends universe. Dammit.

I forced myself to stick with it to the end of season one. And I’m out. It wasn’t worth it. And the season ending was so ... ugh. I say go with your gut instinct here. I don’t “get” all the praise, personally.

I definitely second “Magicians”. It’s really good. Definitely under-sung, if that’s a thing.

Glad I’m not the only one that thinks so !

It looks to be cruising to an easy renewal... glad, because I love it.

I was going to mention this series, but I figured it wasn’t in the right genre.... but damn, it’s such a great, fun show. Every season is good. This up-coming season is it’s last, and I’m in it to the end.

Amen to this. I’m so glad we’re getting a second season. This show was amazing. Fantastic. I binge watched it all over two days... so good.

I really love this show... but it’s a goner. No way it’s being picked up for more episodes. Sadly. I think it’s great fun.

“Almost Human”. Dammit. I loved that show and nobody watched it and it died after half a season, just as it was really getting interesting.

The main thing I thought about in this short film is that this woman had never seen the Russian guys video about how to open a can without a can opener.

Hasn’t Ryan Reynold’s been cast multiple times as multiple characters in the same universe?

she was horrible, I have no idea what you’re talking about.