
No, she wasn’t. She was one of the weakest links. Both character and actress.

Wow are you full of shit. Who we love, and our sex lives, will always bee pretty central to the human experience. And it’s not about “announcing it to the cosmos”, it’s about simply acknowledging reality the way straight people (presumably like you, given your cluelessness to your own privilege) take for granted. It’s

Well if that isn’t a complete load of bullshit... You should stop typing before you embarrass yourself further.

Change your headline and rewrite the story... this wasn’t Microsoft’s fault, and it wasn’t the Surface Tablet’s fault. It was a network problem. Jesus, what the hell? Unless you’re PROUD of spreading misinformation just because you choose to think it’s fun to pile on Microsoft...

Oh, hey, remember when Delta’s flights

I don’t understand why it isn’t a top priority to get orbiters around Uranus and Neptune, personally.

I don’t understand why we don’t have plans to put orbiters around Neptune and Uranus.

How is it more convenient? “One stick of butter” ... okay, take out a stick, throw it in. How is it more convenient to scrape out butter into a measuring dish sitting on a scale to try and get the right number of grams? A cup of sugar? Easy, scoop in one cup. Done. How is it more convenient to try and weigh out a

For flour, fine... there’s a reason to go by weight instead of volume.

And that’s fine. I’m still right. People buy butter by sticks, no grams. Cups are infinitely more convenient as a measure for something like sugar.

Can someone translate that recipe into measurements that are even REMOTELY comprehensible? Is that a stick of butter? A cup of sugar? HOW many chocolate chips? HOW much flour? Jesus... metric is great for many things, but cooking is not one of them. I wouldn’t have a clue where to even start with that recipe.

A Dr Pepper, sure... but a Coke?

How is bisexual/pansexual in one character (referenced rarely... and a woman, so not as controversial) an answer to what I’m talking about?

Didn’t miss it. But you did miss my point.

Non-sequitur straw-man argument much?

You’re an ignorant bigot and those aren’t even close to “facts”. You’re embarrassing yourself.

You are very consistent at being able to completely miss the point.

Response to your first paragraph: I was making a point (first woman captain, first black captain, why should a gay character be shoved off to the side, barely there, out of sight/out of mind?)

How about having the next Captain of a starship being a gay man? Just to make the point? Why not? Surely, even with ‘demographics’, in all of Star Fleet, there must be ONE gay captain, right? Or maybe first officer? We’ve had women, people of color, and even aliens in these positions... but a gay character has to be

The most surprising thing about this to me is the fact that this is the first time ... in 2016. How can this not have been done before?

It’s not bad. It has potential. It’s worth checking out if the premise holds ANY interest to you. But I can’t guarantee that you’ll love it. At least not yet.