
Mark, Chloe did a wonderful job in Boys Don't Cry. Also, if Jennifer Lawrence never does another great movie in her life, Winter's Bones is the best. Really the best. I saw her in that, and I did not know who she was, but I just thought I had seldom believed in a character to that extent. I still think she's

Isn't this the same cat who looked just like Johnny Depp last week? Or whoever it was? I am concerned she/he is being exploited.

... we have to clean! We have to clean. The horror. Doesn't that just sum it all up?

Double star you if I could. I have an addendum to the baby box. The alarm is pushed, first responders, hospitals, yes. But it also triggers an automatic list of people who have denied women a right to choose, and they are asked to find/be a parent for the baby, since they care so much.

Double gossipy, because Emma Thompson and Greg Wise, as well as Ruskin and Millais. Thanks for mentioning this. I did not know about this film, but can't wait to see it. Re Turner, I love his work, consider him one of the first abstract artists. I wanted to see the movie also because I usually really like Mike

Don't see Mr. Turner. They do a very nasty little stereotype, and it's a real injustice because Ruskin loved Turner's work and arguably contributed to his lasting fame.

It's literature, AND it's history.

Beware, people. Jesus WHO?

I think I am Heather's mom. I'm not, but these are almost exactly the same reasons I would give, except I would be more vehement. Especially about the nap.

Key and Peele should do this, complete with the Names correcting the spelling. It's not Megan, it's Meegannn; etc.

Even though each individual Borg was only part of a mind, it was a bigger, more intelligent part than Mike Huckabee.

I don't understand what happened here. It used to be, in California, that you had to vaccinate your children prior to them going to kindergarten. You had to show a medical report, if I am remembering correctly. Did this change because of the usual school lawyers' fear that the district would get sued? If so, why

My hands are big. Also, I love this.

And yet they still pee on the rug.

Personally, I like the idea of the distress it will cause the other Republicans wanting to run, however very many of them there are. Wonder if Sarah has an in with the Koch brothers, though.

Pretty sure I have on "Belize" as we speak, which may go part of the way towards explaining why I was never in a sorority.

Sorry for being like Fox News. Will research.

Thanks for info. Now feel like Fox News. Will research.

Thanks... sorry for the ignorance.

Aside from the verdict itself, if this photo is a true representation of the event, the beheading, it reminds me of reading about the hangings in London in the 18th century; the huge crowds especially. Also, the elaborate structure that is the center of the photo...this is a public event. I am not justifying our