
Has anyone already claimed Hija Predilecta as their own title; if not, I want it.

She is really a genius. I love both the books you mentioned... and I really agree with her assessment of Beloved. It's brilliant.

But not's too close to shore.

So "Catholic church leaders" as well as lay people and non-Catholics are "reacting strongly" because "they aren't accustomed to addressing issues the way Francis advocates."
I am reading this as the cardinals, bishops and priests feel the Pope is too liberal. He's the Obama in the Vatican, in fact. I sense a

Smarm is not catching. Snark is catching.

I agree. Noise level is subjective. And no one should have a business meeting where there are sure to be families. Also agree that parents should take loudly crying/tantrum-having kids out of the public place a.s.a.p. Sounds like yours were just being children in a restaurant.

In addition to election day holiday, easy voter registration, etc., Citizens United... the Orwellian term for Big Money Wins It, must be repealed. We need activism, i.e. involvement by voters, like those who vote and then help to get out the vote, give your own money, etc. Tell your friends. This sounds so

Balanced and sensible article... thanks Jia, and I agree with the person who wrote that they hoped you would stay at Jezebel. I can think of instances from my own life, my daughter's life, and my nephew's life where childhood exploration happened (none of these, as I wish it were needless to say, but apparently is

And the Republic of Texas? And then mentions the nation in the next sentence? Texas is big, but not that big.

Also, spinach, ricotta, and onions in the dip... children do not eat these things. Also, how much trouble do you have to go through to explain to 7 year olds the hilarious pun on mosh pit? This sounds like a party a rich person (Martha) would think is really cute, because she is so so out of touch. And I say this

I want the Dior dress. I want to be able to fit into the Dior dress. I want to watch these people sew all day. I want to listen to Vivaldi. Fortunately, I can make that last one happen.

Please don't ever say this aloud.

There are many fine things to do in New Mexico, but are we certain that the producers know that it is in the United States?

I love "one confused multimillionaire at a time".

This is what real people look like when they are at home. I think she's a role model. Love her.

Yes, Michael Twitty! A kind, smart chef who knows his history, culinary and otherwise!

I see you with the devil, Goody Cyrus.... love this. I have heard that aliens (as in beings from another planet) are the source. I think we also have to consider that sea "plankton" found on the International Space Station...

Thanks! This looks good. I do follow Venezuela News and Views on twitter, as well as get information from Venezuelan friends who have other sources. You are right, Venezuela has dropped off the news map; even Al Jazeera rarely has anything at all about what is going on there.

Glad you posted this. People should read more about Venezuela and what is happening there. Very high crime rate, and by that I mean murders, and then talk about the prisons themselves, run by the prisoners. It's true that some of the very rich remain rich, and it's also true that some in the government are now very

Please do not make Meg into a beautiful skinny blond girl, please, please. No Fannings, junior.