
It was pretty clear that states’ rights wasn’t really a Republican priority when so many Republican state governments refused to exercise a right given them to expand Medicaid and run their own exchanges.

Props to you for maintaining optimism that it will only be eight years, because Trump thinks he’s been elected King of the United States.

There’s a couple points I think are relevant to this story:

The problem comes in how you define “streamlining and minimization.”

I can’t find anything listing the number that’s more recent than January 2015, when it had 892 amendments. According to Ballotpedia, there were 13 amendments approved in 2016, which would bring the total to 905.

Unfortunately, the center of that spectrum still sounds too much like socialism for many Americans (which in turn sounds too much like communism).

“Market forces” is an awful way to ensure people’s rights and interests are being protected and advocated for. If that’s all we needed, there wouldn’t be a need for government at all.

Something everyone needs to know about Right-to-Work laws whenever they come up on the ballot: They’re always worded in such a way as to make you think, “OK, this is totally reasonable. There’s no reason I should vote against this law.”

Here’s what showed up on Alabama’s ballot in November for an Amendment that put

It feels like Trump takes all his cues from Nixon and ancient monarchic traditions.

Yeah, I’m resolved to never say Merry Christmas unless it’s in reply to someone wishing me a Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays isn’t PC, it’s just sensible and fair.

As a white man, I can confirm that white people, especially conservative, religious white people, are among the most “triggerable” of people. I, for example, am triggered whenever someone claims that white men don’t get triggered or that people should be “less sensitive.”

The worst part is that the interaction prompt isn’t synchronized with when the contextual action is available. I’ve jumped so many times with the prompt on the screen because I explicitly waited until I saw the prompt before hitting X, only to have Noctis jump anyway.

Framerate isn’t the only measure of a graphical engine’s capabilities.

I’m certain that Sandata was trying to show what the full implications of KidKosmos’ comment were rather than agreeing with him.

I agree 100% with your point.

Some of your quotes are taken kind of out of context. The “Let’s party like it’s 2016" part of the Washington Post piece, for example, is part of a pointed section detailing the fact that Spencer intentionally and explicitly compares Hitler’s rise to power in 1933 with Trump’s rise to power now. It certainly doesn’t

It’s actually at 2.6 million now. Not sure if this is the final tally for the initial count or if there are still votes to be counted in California.

You mean his quarter-million dollar investment?

I was suspicious when he was being silent about the recounts, then confused when he seemed to be arguing that there was massive voter fraud. Now I’m certain that he’s terrified.

Looked to me like the driver flipped him off the first time the motorcycle pulled up on him.