It’s the original plasma weapon. Put it like that, it doesn’t seem so out of place.
It’s the original plasma weapon. Put it like that, it doesn’t seem so out of place.
I’d say we’re all (including the article up top) being VERY restrained here.
He was listing a series of beloved game properties off the top of his head that have been relevant within the last 15 years, give him a break. We also shouldn’t forget the hilarious insanity of the Rabbids, even if they were relatively short lived.
Yeah... the worst thing about that is when they start doing something wrong there’s this inexplicable input lag that suddenly starts up JUST when the game starts misinterpreting your instructions. So instead of being able to put in a command to fix what’s gone wrong, it just sits there ignoring your inputs for a few…
The sound waves also tell you whether the enemy is above or below you, which is a pretty slick way to represent it.
Another thing I liked about those in-game manuals was that reading one of them was like reading a synopsis of game design philosophy. The fact that those manuals were open about the concept of gameplay loops was incredible to me, and I loved understanding how that simple concept could balloon out into a rich variety…
The problem only compounded when the series moved away from the Puppeteer control concept. Even if that wasn’t perfect, at least it was a system and made some kind of sense. The top button did stuff with your head, the bottom button did stuff with your feet, and the side buttons were hands. The positions of those…
Yeah, if he got hold of McGregor he could do plenty of damage, but McGregor also knows how to do damage. Sometimes it comes down to what people are willing to sacrifice in exchange for winning a fight, and obviously if they’re just casually sparring, neither is going to want risk injuring themselves.
It isn’t that hard to throw someone who’s bigger than you, especially when their center of gravity is as high as Bjornsson’s. Legs are an easy target. Watching them playing around I kept seeing a lot of great opportunities for McGregor to do some inner reaps or ankle trips. Bjornsson has a lot of weight to throw…
Looks like he’s just reacting to stuff that comes at him without really knowing what to do to follow up. If I were to hazard a guess, it looks like he knows a few things that he COULD do but hasn’t gotten to the point where he can decide and execute something in a timely manner.
I was vaguely disappointed that it didn’t fall from the sky a few moments later.
I keep reading Old Steve’s lines in Michael Ironsides’ voice.
I’m no No Man’s Sky junkie, but I feel like I’ve heard more from No Man’s Sky in the last two or so months than I have in the entirety of its development. Someone I didn’t even know followed that kind of game even asked me about it (in person) a few weeks ago. It had a bit on Colbert’s Late Show, for crying out loud.
Two ways to use eggs in your ramen:
It’s almost like the Battlefront beta only has two maps or something.
Rebels ARE capable of completely steamrolling the Empire on that map. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen often, but it’s absolutely possible.
As annoying as people using phones to film in the wrong orientation can be, I think the real tragedy is that a landscape orientation might have gotten both planes in the same frame during the pass.
... you tell your bestest bestie to burn it all after you die. Then when you die he promptly turns around and publishes it all. Thanks Max!
Each of those PR statements from Microsoft and Activision conjures vivid images of a man in a dimly-lit room sitting on a stool in front of a beige concrete wall reading woodenly from a prepared note with a gun to his head.
I have to object to points 5, 7, and 9.