
I'm still looking forward to cobbling together a nice, tiny form factor PC (with moderate, reasonable stats and a low cost) to put steamOS on so I can stream games from my ACTUAL gaming PC to my living room TV.

Two far north for Tennessee. Kentucky takes up most of the area in the general region of that dot, but I'd actually bet it's in Cincinnati.

That's both awful and absurd! They wouldn't even consider your income returns from the previous year, or your estimated tax returns from this year? I'm assuming you have to file estimated tax returns since you're contract/freelance, so correct me if I'm wrong there.

It'd also be nice if this spurred a member of the administration to directly address both the event and these issues on a broader scale.

I'm not defending guns. Frankly, I support a measure of gun control, though not a complete ban. And you're probably right: it's very likely that she only meant to scare him with it and accidentally shot him.

It just happens with knives instead of guns, then. And any emergency room worker will tell you that knife wounds are often much worse than a gunshot wound. Not having access to guns doesn't change the stupid.

300 bucks isn't worth anyone's life, but most people don't expect it to be worth their life to the shooter, either. And let's be honest, more than one person lost their life in that exchange.

I like to clarify matters by habitually calling it "pumpkin pie spice" instead. With my approach, less astute individuals will be confused and disappointed that it contains no actual pumpkin pie.

I can't even think of any PC games that would be considered "PC killers" anymore when I went to try something. Any suggestions?

I doubt they're doing any actual aiming with the 360 controller. It's probably only being used for target identification and selection.

It's a testament to how screwed up and awful my trip home from work was that this actually makes me feel more optimistic about the world.

And my wait is over. Exactly what I was hoping for! Those are so beautiful!

The inline commentary on this article is genuinely wonderful. It's like those pop-up fact shows from the 90s mixed with niconico douga, only interesting and varied.

Anime: Barakamon Song: “Rashisa” Artist: Super Beaver Why Do I Love It? This is a great upbeat, yet easy going, rock song that will just stick in your head. Moreover, the opening is practically an episode in and of itself as it tells a short, self-contained adventure between the lead characters.

Sadly the graphics don't hold up at all on modern computers, and the control scheme isn't ported well. Hopefully there are mods that can help with that?

The story also ends on a major cliffhanger. When the credits started rolling after the final boss, I was astonished because I was sure we were just getting started with the end-game.

Nilin never really does more than passingly comment about how wildly wrong remixing peoples' memories is, and that was one of my biggest problems with the game. She does some absolutely awful things to people by messing with their memories, but she never really has to deal with the consequences of her remixes.

That's so sad I teared up a little in sympathy.

I also have a preference for women who are more intelligent than me in some way (it's not really that hard), so it baffles me that anyone would be intimidated by an intelligent woman.

Ouch, hope it helps with the pain!