
God I hope its combination, a little like Endwar, instead of mini-games. Minigames would destroy the reputation of the game.

I hope its Bioware that made this decision and not EA. Its better when a developer wants to do something than forced to do something and I really want to see something cool done in a game with Kinect. I don't hate against it, as I am excited with the Kinect on the PC, but not much in the terms of revolutionary

I want this game.

I'll be watching the liveblog, maybe have a stream as well. I like the Kotaku commentary however.

It obvious what this is, Activision has almost hit the market saturation point and now needs to expand the profit margin to see and more importantly present growth of the brand. I guess I really don't even need to say this.

Doesn't Bungie do this, but for free?

The virtual particles come from vacuum energy, which makes up 70% or so of the matter in the universe. Another name for vacuum energy was dark energy, but now we now a little bit more about it.

It doesn't work like that. Backwards compatibility is all in the software as long as the drive can read it.

Damn, that would be an amazing feat and something to get the country to rally behind.

Thats it? I thought it would be around 2-3 billion. Certainly the trust in the brand has taken a bit of a hit.

Its been 5 years already? Man, I remember playing this when it first came out on the xbox so long ago. I didn't know what I was getting into, when I first emerged from those sewers and realizing what this game is changed my life. I was dazzled by the immensity.

It is, he's going to release the source code to modders.

Work has to go into their other project as well, but its a little disappointing. It'd be better if he embraced the mod community a bit more.

Akihabra, Tokyo. Some store I found toward the west side. Granted, it might not be this but I think it is.

I just bought this.

*slaps face repeatedly* Solar system is a term to describe a system consisting of a star or stars at its center. Its not a name, its a term. Like the word "galaxy".

Gravity doesn't scale linearly. I can't do the right calculations, but it would be closer to 200lbs or 300lbs.

Of course, though its not near the top. Its a little like Cars really, great but fills a niche and isn't well known.

What a beautiful picture. Sad to see this has a chance of being the last time NASA sends a man into space.

I wonder just how much intelligence is tied to genetics. I'm sure it has something to do with it, but I can't imagine its all about that.