
Minecraft for GOTY

@DannyMNL: Its called good business practice to throw cash around like that. How much money do you think they made because they spent that money?

@CapitalC: Same here. Whenever it was on I tended to watch it. Almost makes me want to do the same.

In the grim future of the internet there is only war.

@Kogo: If knowledge is gained the money is not wasted. Knowledge was gained so the money was not wasted.

@Malice Blackhart: Or more likely MS already has full drivers built for Kinect on the PC and just don't want to release them until Windows 8 perhaps.

@thedoommarine: I can't help but smirk at that because its so true.

@Sir_Trigg: I wouldn't be a PC gamer if it wasn't for Steam, and I wouldn't have found Steam if I didn't buy a game that had it integrated out of a the box.

Lets start a timer and see how long it stays standing.

@B16CXHatch: Good luck to ever see an Activision game go on sale on Steam, let alone a CoD game. Just check the prices of all the other CoD games right now. MW2 still goes for $60.

"Computers shouldn't be tools for computer scientists"

For me this means I have to go down to Lackland for Basic on the Air Force.

Why are people assuming this happened to all new 360s? Perhaps this was just a test to see what would happen?

@shadohh: iPhone to DroidX? Must not be the phone and rather the carrier than made that decision. Good choice considering the fiasco that was the iPhone 4 preorder mess.

I find this all amusing.


Kid Icarus

@reverend_green: Well the old models will still be there for what that is worth.

@Laser Beams: The redesign removes the option to use it as a heater as well as using it to cover up the sound of the TV.

I prefer 4 sided football thank you very much.