
@PyramidHeadcrab: Once a Halo fan, always a Halo fan. Sure we may have drifted since the Halo 3, but the beta showed we are getting back together for one last rumpus. I know people that drifted away to all manners of games, but once the beta was released we all came back together and had a great time.

@gods-n-clods: Oh yes, I would agree with that. If you actually paint with paint than you are more likely to be a better artist. Not only that but it teaches you that perfection isn't real, but that subtle flaws make it real. There is a lot more life in a painting than a pixel.

@mrjoeyyaya: Thats exactly what I said. I wasn't dismissing GT5, I was calling it too perfect.

@Maximus Thunderclap: Yeah, I was hearing a few things about some kind of terrain modifying, but only in simple ways. Perhaps predesignated areas.

@Dereck Goolsby-Bearsong: If there is one thing you'll hear me talk about is all the potential Kinect has not just for gaming but for everything.

@James Eastman: No, just saying that games have long way to go before they can be called realistic.

If I ever get rich, this is what I would buy. Not a private mega yacht, but a small airship. Even if there were just a few rooms, the view would be amazing and well worth it.

Nimroy in Civ IV was so epic, nothing like a Vulcan telling you quotes of famous technology. I mean it was just so fitting and amazing.

A "portfolio", would that include just art you made for specific clients or could you make stuff you did on your own for your own interests?

@gods-n-clods: There are a lot of phrases that have been brought over from an earlier time. Things like dialing the phone. I am sure I could think of others if I had the time.

@Skylance: Yeah, I understand most of that but the metaphor was a loose one. But even so, Vinyl isn't exactly perfect. I what I was trying to connect was that a mp3 variant usually has been edited heavily, the ones you buy one iTunes and such. Whereas vinyl tends to have little scratches and background noise.

"Kinect isn't going to replace the controllers that have worked for those types of games for the last decade—that's not what we're trying to do. Kinect will work alongside those controllers for hardcore games. For throwing a grenade, for vocal commands, for..."

Yes, this so far is the only game that looks promising to me. With Harmonix behind it, there is going to be a good level of polish to it. That and really this is only possible for Kinect, its built for Kinect.

The GT5 ones look worse to me because there is no flaw in them, they are absolutely perfect.

Isn't friction causing heat to form?

@gcerda88: You are my good Skittles! Yeah you like that! Yes you do! Yes you Do!

Its like how Count Dracula got to Courusant at the end of Clone Wars. Except his the sail had no point because he was, or should have been, using hyperspace and had engines that would have been faster than this.