
HRC in her appearances, has her group of aides with her. The aides make notes, get names, and do follow ups. People who talk to her in lines at the end of talks get the same aides, standing behind Clinton. Clinton says “what is your story, what are your concerns” a lot. And they get back to people. When she heard

I just wish people understood that the day after Bernie Sanders wins a Democratic primary, the GOP would launch a character assassination campaign that would render him unelectable within a week.

No, what most people around here are saying is that some of Bernie’s supporters are very sexist, and it is upsetting. The worst part is how some of Bernie’s supporters are busily pretending that the sexism isn’t real.They are taking the real life stories of women experiencing it and saying, “Oh, it’s a made up thing

They love Elizabeth Warren now and her as president in the abstract. As soon as she started running they’d clamor to her male opponent and rehash the same shit about how her vagina doesn’t qualify her for anything.

Two things:

No shit, right? 44 male presidents in a row and the prospect of one woman president suddenly it’s, ‘hey now kids let’s not vote based on genitalia!’

This shit again. This is the second time ive seen it on gawker media. No, Bill did not criticize Obama. It was taken completely out of context.

Bernie pretends to enjoy ice cream: AWWW, WHAT A GREAT GUY.

Cool, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that we’re making these demands of the only serious female candidate and not making the same demands of any Republicans, or any other Democrats running for office anywhere. THAT is my point - not that this isn’t a good universal standard, but that it is ONLY the standard for her,

Madeline Albright is 78 years old. She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.

One look at this photo and the sound you’ll be hearing is a million Berniebro heads exploding.

Thank you, Madeleine.

Having been the fat person on a regional jet folding herself into plus size origami and nearly in tears worrying about encroaching on someone elses’ space: don’t be rude . You will survive . That “fat” person is probably twice as miserable as you are.

LOL what!! That’s all she’s been asked, personal issues-wise, for the last 2 debates, if I recall correctly. I mean, say that she’s a Wall Street sellout, but don’t say that the debates didn’t cover that. They did.

Honestly, is everybody crazy? Perhaps it’s their respective staffs, but Bernie has got to know he is not going to be President of the USA no matter how right he may be. It is not going to happen. He should have done this 20 or ever 10 years ago. But he is too old. Sorry, I’m old myself, and I don’t want my grandpa

So, he’s pulling a Trump. Guys. Guys. C’mon.
(And gals too. I guess.)

My experience is nowhere near yours, and I'm positive about that, as I am a thin woman. But, I wanted to commiserate about violent harassment. I don't buy into gender norms (not saying that women should or shouldn't, it's just my choice) so I have unshaven armpits and legs and very short hair and I don't wear makeup.

What, Tyra Banks walking around in a fat suit doesn't fit the bill?

You are not alone. Not by a long shot. We are here...and we get assaulted on a daily basis. "You fat fuck!" "You fat pig!" "You ugly fat pig!". All of this gets yelled at me in front of my sons and daughters.

It's so powerful to hear that others have experienced this. I feel so alone in my harassment sometimes. Like I look around and I know other people heard it when some guy tells me to "get your fat ass out of here" or calls me a pig or puffs out his cheeks and hold out his arms to mock my size. But everyone is just