
Ask neighbors if they know of a good dog obedience school, and then take your dog there and make him/her/it kid-friendly—a valuable skill for any dog to learn. Once you graduate, take your newly socialized dog for a nightly or regular weekend spin and strike up conversations so you can show off your dog's new

Here is a small list of the things that need to happen for designers at the beginning of their career who want to have a serious future in capital-F Fashion to consider offering plus size options or, God forbid, catering to the plus-size client:

"Scardey Farts" is a term that is deeply offensive to the IBS community.

Youbetcha! Proud to be from MN today!

Yes, I will gladly spend hours on end watching you push a screaming pile of goo out of your vagina into a tub of water for the tune of one hundred and fifty dollars. Because that is totally fair compensation for what you're asking!

I will say this for Kate Middleton - if I had to get dressed in actual human clothes and take my newborn out to a screaming throng of people and reporters merely 24 hours after giving birth, I'd just be crying into a pint of ice cream. Shit, I don't think I even managed pants for the first two weeks. She is a brave

I am so, so happy for Nigella. It takes a level of strength and courage that is unrivaled to walk away from a domestic violence situation. Its hard to explain the captive mentality that such a relationship inspires, but Nigella is a hero, for herself, her children, and as an inspiration/ray of hope to those women out

Sigh. Colin Firth.

having had one and lost her, i can safely say that ALL CHILDREN ARE GOLDEN.

What Paula Deen said was wrong. But her racism seems to come from stupidity rather than malice or anger.

Too bad Anthony Bourdain is a sizist fat-shaming asshole.

Okay, as a black gay male with a expansive sense of humor, I have a few points to make.

Honestly, her brother "Bubba" is more the issue. Paula Deen is being fixated upon because A) she's a celebrity and B) she's a woman. Stop sensationalizing the story. It's irritating.

The best about that was seeing it and immediately knowing people would be upset about it. It's really not that big of a deal.

You should wear some bikinis *before* you lose the 100 pounds, too. But then again I'm a pretty "fuck the establishment" kind of girl.

I love cruises, not sure I'm understanding all the hate... I've been on two and am going on another next month. Don't knock it 'til you try it kind of thing, and all.

When Blogs Write Badly.

Right, well, I also see a lot of commenters on here saying "insurance WILL cover it." There are millions of poor people in this country that don't have insurance. They also don't have access to health care facilities, and don't have ready Internet access either so they can't even do the research. I also see a lot of