You are not alone. Not by a long shot. We are here...and we get assaulted on a daily basis. "You fat fuck!" "You fat pig!" "You ugly fat pig!". All of this gets yelled at me in front of my sons and daughters.
You are not alone. Not by a long shot. We are here...and we get assaulted on a daily basis. "You fat fuck!" "You fat pig!" "You ugly fat pig!". All of this gets yelled at me in front of my sons and daughters.
Well, THIS fat woman says fuck you to that bullshit.
I'd love to see them show what it's like for a fat woman. The level of hatred and violence directed at me would astonish.
WOW! I've never seen a woman breastfeeding before. So edgy.
If I'm the worst you've ever should get out more.
How, exactly are you worse off because this person died?
You are clueless. There are hundreds of people committing medical suicide to tell their own stories EVERY SINGLE DAY. She is white and pretty. That's the only reason we have heard of her.
She is white. That's what makes Jezzies feel all tingly about her.
I could not care less.
There is NO WAY this is accurate. North Dakota girls are in the pinkish? Nope. I'm a Nodak and there is NO way ANY girl wears heels for any length of time. Ice, wind and snow. You can get by with heels in the summer but that only accounts for 2 months of the year.
This is my second go-around on this and I am getting more and more pissed by the minute. That thin white woman has absolutely NO idea what real, VIOLENT harassment is.
As a fat woman, I get why she is upset, but the things that they yell at me seem far far worse.
That poor baby already HAS a job. Her job is to be paraded around in front of flashbulbs, at grown up venues while wearing hideously uncomfortable clothing all in order to keep her ridiculous mama relevant.
Jacques Pepin's Onion Soup Lyonnaise is absolutely impeccable.
As a fat myself...yep. He's welcomed into the group.
Drew Carey is the poster boy for a fat man who hates fat women. His stale stand-up routine was based on his interpretation that fat men really really hate fat women.
Blah blah blabbity trend sucking blah blah blah promote anorexia blah blah hope change blah blah human clothes hangar blah blah used to talk about important things but now only suck the power teat for free goodies blah.
Roethlisberger.....tick tock.
Well, if you're drunk, you won't pee of the extra 2 glasses of water.
Silly elephant. Silliness to make up for. Silly heals the heart.