
Woah woah woah woah...back it up, beep beep beep.

How do people spend hundreds of dollars on Candy Crush? Simple minds., thats how. Watching paint dry can be addictive for an under developed brain.

I dont know about all of you but I like my Flappy Bird like I like my drugs, uncut and addicting as hell.

Rez is still THE best music game, imo.

Will only buy if you can PLAY as Spacey/Underwood.

A bike drove into the back of his car, similar to the situation in the video from what I can tell, and its this guys fault for not "getting out of the way"? Maybe the biker should of been paying attention, oh and not going 1 fuckin 40.

I recently set one up to do VPN via PPTP. For anything besides web browsing it is extremely slow. Is this a limitation of the hardware, or my 2Mbps upload? It is the 256 model Raspberry, but I would think the bottleneck would be due to the LAN adapter.

Cool. Project sounds awesome, definitely something I will consider doing in the future. Hopefully it works out well for you.

No fees so that is good. Sounds like it only benefits to leave them open then. Thanks for the response.

working off a guide, or building it off your design?

what if in the past I've opened a few of these that I now no longer use. Am I better off leaving them open, or closing them? Some are over 5 years old, with a majority of the years having no activity.

I'm starting to prefer it after being a long time Chrome user, and before that Firefox.

Went shopping at 3 different stores last week, used the same CC which is unsigned, each cashier asked for my ID after checking the back and seeing no signature. I was pleasantly surprised. I think I will leave it unsigned.

Is it? I'll be honest, I only saw on local news and didn't read any articles. They just said the kid could sign into his dads "xbox live account". So I assumed he had his own profile and was able to sign into his dads Live account using email/pass credentials.

CEO's need to learn that, they aren't allowed to have personal opinions and beliefs. They can only be 100% Vanilla. America!

I would have hoped this was patched before this story broke...if this is still live then I fear for my gamertag.

Love how the media is spinning this into a feel good type story when in reality this was a massive security flaw that I don't believe MS has yet to comment on. I'd like to know how long it was in place for starters.

Oh, there may be an official app for WP8. For Windows 8.1 however there is not.

I still dream of am official Spotify App for Win 8. Not sure if MS is not allowing this because of Xbox Music, or if Spotify isn't creating it because of lack of user base.