Aubrey Flemming

That's some Alexis Carrington level shit right there. BRAVO. BRAH.VO.

Well, actually, it is not strictly Legal Fiction, as, in a case where you are "holding someone to answer for, in a legal sense, whereupon the crime is of infamous or capital in nature," for something that they were not found to be indicted for by a Grand Jury, or, in the case where indictment was found, but the due

Yes, it's in the DSM-5, and the treatment for gender dysphoria is cross-sex hormones, gender reassignment surgery, and social and legal transition to the desired gender. Comparing treating transgender people with respect and honoring their gender identity to trying to "cure anorexia with liposuction" is

By that same token, I think it's pretty incredulous that most people don't understand that, even if someone is acquitted of a crime, that does not necessarily mean that they did not, in fact, commit the crime. It simply means that the prosecution was not able to meet the standard of evidence we have determined is

As long as you realize that what you're saying is the basic template for state-sponsored homophobia throughout the ages and the current model for Pray Away The Gay programs, awesome. This is straight-up hate speech.

And just for the record, because apparently it still needs to be said, us "gays" don't all like being lumped into the same category as transgender people.

It's not cultural appropriation, she's just singing a song in another language, which many of the world's most famous singers have done for many years - i.e. opera.

This is so not cultural appropriation. Just stop. Someone is allowed to sing in another language. Just like Americans can learn a language other than English in school.

I mean, that's my read on it. I'll ask my students what they think about it—most of them are young enough to care about singing competition shows :P

It's not your culture, right? How about you let the people in that culture decide what is and what isn't appropriation? And by people in that culture, I don't mean the most fanatical ones you can find. The Arab judges don't give a shit, the Arab audience of the show don't give a shit, what gives you the right to

Yup. She sounds amazing, too. This whole thing actually caused me to educate myself about who Umm Kulthum was, and look up some of her performances on YouTube (well worth it, BTW).

If cultural appropriation means that nobody is allowed to embrace and create art that originated in cultures outside their own, I think I'm going to have to go ahead and not give a shit about it.

To be honest, and I've said this on here before, given the circles she runs in I'd have been shocked if she hadn't tried cocaine. It's everywhere in the posh, West London arts-and-media crowd. Saatchi's new girlfriend has been to rehab several times, once aged 19. I'm offered it in the toilets in Chelsea/Kensington


"We have for so long imitated the West, and this is the first time that a person who has no link whatsoever to the Arab world, an American girl who does not speak Arabic, sings Arabic songs."

Now playing

"You have to trust me... my ... clam flesh... is absolutely addictive..."

I mean seriously, Trinny - now that's a train wreck.

I've met her too (I live on the same road) and I don't believe a word of it. Her kids always seemed squeaky-clean too - lots of friends coming over, but never coming back late and drunk or anything like that. She's a really lovely, warm, unpretentious person who dotes on her children. I just honestly can't fathom it

It's complete crap. I met her a couple of times through work when I lived in London, my partner at the time has been to her house.
These girls have only very recently made these allegations against Nigella, why wouldn't they have mentioned it when they were charged and questioned over a year ago?