Aubrey Flemming

There was no harassment in warning her not to lean forward in a dress that was showing off her chest while cameras surrounded them.

Did you watch her apology?? This woman is CLUELESS.

Because he didn't sexually harass her? That's a pretty good reason.

But you could see from the very start that she already had an issue with him, her body language was weird and she was pretty hostile before they'd even started. I think something happened backstage before they even went on air...


"I didn't know Russell" is a perfectly fine thing for your great-aunt to say when she confuses your fiancee for another one of your cousins at the big family reunion.

Hi Mika, quick heads up, I know they might have forgotten to tell you this, but you're supposed to be a journalist. Journalists generally at least read the packet that some poor PA put together to tell you who you'll be interviewing. Good journalists also do additional research.

I find it funny how STILL no one has actually answered your very basic, simple question of "why do you think all white people are racist."

would love to get a bottle of wine into these two women and just listen to the funny ass stories that would come out.

Am I the only person who wants Paula Deen to be interviewed by Al Roker or Tamrin Hall instead of lily-white Matt Lauer? (Full disclosure: I'm so white I'm almost transparent.)

No, the original poster made it incredibly clear that "white people in general" is exactly what was meant:


"White supremacist power structure" is actually a bit more helpful, in terms of contributing to a thoughtful discussion.

The comments about her on my FB feed have been overwhelmingly negative. I love my cohorts.

I can tell that I live in a liberal bubble. Virtually no one on my FB feed has posted anything about Deen. And I am thankful. She is gross. Her words are gross, her thoughts are gross and her food is gross. Deen is not that old. She was a teen during the Civil Rights movement. She should know better that to wax poetic

So if I'm "upset" about "one rando" "not qualifying" a vague comment, that must mean I'm also not disgusted with Paula Deen being a flaming racist. Because one must supercede the other. Eyeroll indeed.

I think people love using divisive language so they can jump all over the first white person that doesn't understand or gets offended. Then the language user can say "oh, whitey, you always have to make it about you. Why are you so stupid?" Then they feel better about themselves because they are angry with you about

I'm sorry, but no. You cannot expect to be taken seriously in any discussion context if all you're willing to do is indulge gross overgeneralizations, then get huffy when the objects of your overgeneralizations object. I will no more accept being lumped into a category of "racist" as a white person than I would accept

You're getting an awful lot of shit for what I see as a legitimate least from this not-a-black-person viewpoint, so obviously I'm probably subjugating someone just by typing this.

As I said in my comment, I'm from Ireland. I am positive now that N.I.G.(s) really does mean "not in goals", because it rang a distinct bell after I looked it up. It's specifically Irish slang, not the U.K., and it was used in the way I described it - never at a person or as a descriptor.