Jan Moir is a toxic witch. That woman pees sodium hydroxide, the woman did an epic hatchet job after Stephen Gately died. Vile. To the power of huge.
Jan Moir is a toxic witch. That woman pees sodium hydroxide, the woman did an epic hatchet job after Stephen Gately died. Vile. To the power of huge.
You are all a disgrace.
I totally get the "freedom fighter needs a break every so often" idea. However, DM gets $ every time anyone clicks on their site. More $ means more of exactly what you are fighting against. So its kinda like you're Sysiphis pushing the ball up the hill all day doing "freedom fighter" stuff, then clicking on DM and…
I agree with you. I think it would feel very gimmicky if they changed the doctor's gender now. And what happens when they go back in time? Would we hear "You're a women, why should we listen to you?" over and over when they go back any earlier then, I don't know, the 50's?
Ugh. No. Just no. I consider myself a feminist, but I don't see how making a male character all of a sudden female (after 50 years, and 11 other possible regenerations that could've been made female if they really wanted to) will be positive for the show at this point. I'm not saying a woman couldn't pull off the…
But what about a hyperbolic comparison to a completely non-analogous situation?
Mother-effin' Enigma, dude. Back in the day, I banged a zillion guys high on random tranquilizers to the sound of fake Gregorian chants, pan flutes and general exotica layered over random breakbeats. Until finally the LP was worn so bad it kept getting stuck all the time (I was very late to the CD party).
I really loved Stone's performance - I don't think she got the credit she deserved for her work in this film & it's too bad she never got such a great part again.
Sharon Stone's performance is actually pretty amazing - there's a reason why this movie made her a huge star - and it's one of the few examples of a film that features a charismatic female sociopath. The plot is full of holes & has several WTF twists, but Stone's performance made it worthwhile for me.
Yeah, no. Semicolons are great. I have to restrain myself from using more than one per paragraph in a lot of things I write. In the course of writing my thesis, peer reviewers would constantly edit them out and replace with a period, but they are not interchangeable. If they are, then you're not using semicolons to…
Hurray for minorities!
This dude may be scary, but Lindy's vagina rant and all the great comments just reinforced my faith. VAG POWER!
I read through Kathryn Allyn's very short post, which seems to be a bit of tongue in cheek humor. She wasn't trying to present any specific facts. So, what exactly are you disputing in her comment? That there isn't always a rhyme or reason to how our system works or what exactly? You seemed to go on the offensive…
Jezbian - are you a fan of the terms "libtard" or "Obummer" by chance?
It sounds like this particular dude is trying to make light of what is probably some sort of OCD. Considering he is willing to perform sex acts on her despite his discomfort, I'm not sure he is trying to be hurtful and I also wonder if she has made any attempt to talk about it with him.
I think bodily fluids are pretty disgusting and support washing after sex. Should I break up with myself?
"I'm looking for a Stark in the streets but a wildling in the sheets."