Aubrey Flemming

The real zinger for me was this:

I agree - but 'Rachel' sounds like a complete pain in the ass. I'm not really surprised they banned her if she was just going to keep going back and forth on the same issue. I think she made her point and should've left it at that rather than really labour the issue.

You've managed to simultaneously make vile assumptions about me and construct a neat little strawman! I mentioned being overweight in my comments because A) the article is on the subject and B) I've not seen any articles in Jezebel which have attempted to glamourise, normalise or any way promote smoking as sexy or

I completely see where you're coming from but if people are using the term 'fat' to mean anything other than medically overweight, and therefore at risk of a number of serious medical problems, then it's more a definitional problem, right? 'Fat' is a sliding scale, and the closer to obese you get, the more serious

I completely disagree with the aggressive tone of your post, but I kind of agree with some of the content. Being fat is NOT healthy. Being 'pro-fat' is the most irresponsible thing I've ever heard. And yes, being underweight is extremely bad for you too but the choice isn't between being fat and being anorexic.

From the way they talked and behaved, I always assumed they were crystal meth addicts.

Valerie Cherish has a fabulous rack, darlin'

I love Jane!

Jezebel, what has happened to you :(

Thank YOU.

"You see salad bowl of puppies..."

Drinking gives you endorphins. Alcohol makes you happy. Happy people just don't scream "Do you know my name?" to their arresting officer.