Stop trying to gaslight us for Trump. What a load of bullshit. “Both sides” haven’t blown anything out of proportion - that was all no one but Trump and the GOP behaving badly. Fuck them. Fuck you.
Stop trying to gaslight us for Trump. What a load of bullshit. “Both sides” haven’t blown anything out of proportion - that was all no one but Trump and the GOP behaving badly. Fuck them. Fuck you.
Um, I think these old white guys know a little bit more about the emotions that female victims of sexual assault go through than the actual victims, thank you very much.
Some of us grew up.
“I know I am a better person than this
...the posts were not meant to be public—they were “the result of an ongoing family dispute.
If Jesus ever came back these so called Christians would hang a sign round his neck that said “Libtard” and burn him alive for being a brown, socialist Jew.
But I do think that is the source of the “biblical” phrase (or at least that has always been my understanding of where that phrase comes from, so that must mean its right, right?). Like, you don’t put a big ass ox with a little ass ox b/c that shit is inefficient. That is where the analogy (idiom?) invoked in the…
So that squab I had one time at a fancy restaurant was a baby pigeon? I thought I was eating a full grown pigeon.
Yeah, yoked has very little brand penetration outside of farms and Bible folk.
Agree. I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way, and I certainly wasn’t going to be the first to say so.
Yeah that was my entire line of thinking.
Yeah, I’d hate to agree here, but making specific threats against named officers is neither a good idea, nor is it protected by the 1st Amendment. That said, fuck the police, especially Officer Smith on 666 Devil Avenue. I’d like to cut his pinky toe off.
Hmmm, in church talk you’re always told not pick someone for apartner that will cause you both to be unequally yoked. In other words, don’t pick someone who beliefs are not aligned with yours.
Please, for your well being and ours, spend no more time trying to figure out what our Jackass In Chief is trying to say.
I do not actually know what Succession IS, but I totally would say Success deez nuts.
So you finally went down on a white woman.
I’m shocked, shocked that you would imply that a Dorchester resident surnamed Sheehan might imbibe to excess.
If he’s worried about looking cartoonish, I’m more than happy to push DD over a cliff with an anvil in his hands.
“I mean how are white people even mad that she’s playing an alien, that’s orange?”