

What is Naruto doing there?

Sounds completely reasonable.

I feel like that's a shitty response. I was asking a question to a forum of people who I expected would be both knowledgeable and willing to share what makes it great. So why don't you Google "how not to be a sarcastic shithead."

Because you'd have to know how to use a graphic design software first. The very short answer for why it's so popular is "Because it's LEGO in a video game"

So, not at all knocking Minecraft, just never played it or seen it in action. Why is it such a phenomenon, do you just build stuff? Why not do that in a graphic design software program, I don't get it ... Can someone fill me in on why this is such a big deal?

You can all go home now.

Douglas Renholm from The IT Crowd

Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. A character mocking all the Disney princes who had come before, and the Vainest Vainurian in Vainoslovia.

Mmmm HMMM HMM HMMMMYYAAAAaaannnnngggg... ENOUGH! You may call me... Betty....

Luke. Where are the cosplayers?

>> I said at the time was like Game of Thrones, only with animals

Yeah, it's called Path of Exile.

Let's give the guy who got enough subs/people viewing him anyway more spotlight. Because its so hard to find new youtubers, right?

i don't mind pewd... what i hate is that everybody on youtube tries to sound like him in their let's play videos.

Q: Is it possible for some sort of integration with services like Pandora and Spotify, in the future? I don't have a music library, per se, and mostly just use internet radio, so it'd be great if I didn't have to alt tab to change stations or skip songs. Could this happen? A: Yes, we've got some things in the works

Let me revise my statement then - 4 maps for multiplayer, 2 guns, and a new map for extinction!