
personally ive been watching PDP since before he had 100k subs and i think that i joined at the right time, at that point he was all shouty and screamy but since i didnt watch a lot of youtubers i thought it was hilarious, over time as his horror stuff died out i enjoyed his LPs of complete games like mad father

i didnt notice the crackling of the new saber before, perhaps it allows more of the opposing lightsaber to enter the saber, very dangerous, but it could halt the movement of the lightsaber in a downwards movement. with the halting of the saber, the crossguard could be used as a weapon as well.
the new crossguard could

the way i see it is that anyone could construct a lightsaber but you would need to study the crystal and analyse it to find imperfections then calculate which way the crystal should be placed so that it focuses the beam out in the correct way rather than refracting it into the inside of the case, most likely causing

they might still do that, but it could mean they need to hire a few people on their side to make sure everything is done legit, and they might need a few weeks to look over financials and work out whether they could afford to do it, and from then whether they would simply update the current version of the game with

There was also a razor glitch, a partner with razer accidentally posted a test promo code online for 90% off everything in store, my housemates picked up top of the range mouse, keyboard and headset. they did have multiples of the items in their cart (except the keyboard, they had different keyboards) but razer

i didnt notice this was a gif for about 20 seconds...

it is soo good i get pissed off when the story alters from the storylines i have in my head of how the characters met and why they partner up... i dont know if you see that as good or bad, i see it as very good :)

I hate xbox controllers and I cannot stand them, I loved the dualshock 3 and when the ps4 came out i got a ps4 with an extra controller, whilst i felt the games werent up to scratch for the ps4 i thought the controller was amazing, previously i didnt like the design and thought it would be uncormfortable (its actually

Game: Disgaea

well i can walk to number 50 from my University house :D

so long as you arent using pathfinder or 3.5ed characters that arent in 5ed, my DM currently has swapped from originally playing 3.5 to pathfinder to 5ed in one campaign, we just had to fill out new character sheets each time, and for the 5ed restat since to simply swap over would make the party horribly overpowered

Mages are terribly OP because of a metamagic feat... but apart from that the whole system is great :D

exactly what my DM has just done :D

personally i thought that OP was predictable and boring, at least Naruto and Bleach had twists that i thought would go one way but turned to go another

btw if you like The Gamer, D.I.C.E the Cube that changed the world, is also a good read, similar yet different, though i vastly prefer TG atm

Destiny, Lol, Pokemon, Minecraft and Smash bro's

he doesnt stream very often, but he does tweet and reply alot, also he's apparently quite active on his own site.
personally i think he did right here, it was always someone saying something bad or saying another youtuber was doing the same and/or are better at it.
he elaborates more in his Broken podcast with

yea my DM is going to homebrew that trait so it can only remove a few people rather than the whole party

Btw if you like 5e look at "what is O.L.D is N.E.W" its a new RP book releasing in full next year that allows for classic RP or sci-fi RP or you can mix the two an have wizards on spaceships ^^
im currently about to start my own campaign using it, the author wrote the Elements of Magic book for 3.5e D&D

look into games shops in your local town and city they usually run a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly game night for RP sessions or just tabletop gaming this is usually the best way to get started, then you make friends and start doing it more regularly outside of the shop