
oh man no game no life, found the manga started reading and i really enjoyed it now theres an anime :D looking forward to it :D

Search for This Product requires Elder Scrolls Online.

i disagree i played two different versions of the beta and the first was as terrible as you might have found it, but the very last beta was actually very good, the combat was smoothed out, things made more sense, it even looked better, just a vast improvement between beta updates :)

using what my girlfriend has told me, wouldnt the poly's in this be stupidly high?

he actually only did it with 5 estus +1 flasks :

he completed dark souls and made certain bosses his plaything, definetly a gamer :)

and he's beating machinima which has like a gazillion different channels under the one network... i didnt actually think that was possible :)

thats more in style of his old video's i mean i started watching for a good laugh every now and again but i really got addicted to his vlogs and then his more serious let's plays

him it may not be steady or predictable but it definetly is a pay-packet i'd like :)
he also gets money from certain advertisers and he sells his merchandise
i know he's in some Youtube Movie style thing thats being made at the moment

ohh and in response to the comments saying his main audience is non-gamers i am a gamer and i watched his heavy rain Play through almost religiously despite having bought the game and asked for a refund due to the buggy mess the game was and never thought of playing it myself. there are just some games i prefer to

i've been watching since before his first mil, and its not so much about the comedy or his exploits but the actual journey he goes through.
me and my friends started watching him for his amnesia stuff, then his happy wheels and slowly its progressed.
Now i mainly watch his weekly vlogs, his one-off videos, and then when

it all depends on the state of the economy, lots of people earning pay more tax, less benefits given out, more money can go on healthcare. and its then up to the hospitals to use their budget to treat all patients, with the most effective drugs going to the more serious patients and so on

this is just a generated example but basically the effectiveness doesnt warrant the increased cost of the better meds.
its all an example of how the system works, its only based on my own information which i have gathered myself, and this is all valuable experience for referrencing during my uni work :)

just been playing some more default and it popped up again... i mean its getting like fire emblem all over again, where i was making my own love stories and the reasons behind why two people were getting together and then the story or dialogue would warp their personality away from the one i had in my head lol

ohh and i put the costs there because thats the reasoning the NHS gives for not using the meds that give 10% better results fro 4x the cost, we still dont pay for the meds ourselves :)

ohh right fair enough, i mean you can still see a specialist for free depending on the situation, like i saw the UK's top epileptic specialist (or at least he saw my case before telling the doctors they'd just wasted 3 years pursuing the idiotic motion i have epilepsy despite showing NO signs to indicate it) for free,

The only thing that isnt covered by the NHS (free-health service) is non- essential forms of medicine, such as over the counter meds, dentists, plastic surgery etc...
if you break an arm, free!
get Cancer, Free!
have a Heart attack, Free!
you can go private which means faster wait times, better surgeons, nicer rooms and

TL:DR the other comments but to the original post, i have been a fanboy of Sony for literally 90% of my life, (my dad got me/him the psx when i was 2, we played tekken a lot XD) and with my ever expanding friend base it seems to be split 50:50 of xbox and ps users, so unless i have the cash to splash out on two

wasnt it brought up on kotaku recently? or perhaps it was another site i cant remember but valve are developing a service for music a bit like steam :/ im not sure if it was a rumor, a kotaku article, another site or a dream... at this point i'm questioning all of these options

And no one pointed out the L4D 1&2 is not on PS3? this should be corrected ASAP good people of Kotaku! :D