
I always wanted to make a Fatal Frame kinda augmented reality game with a map. Now that Pokemon GO is out I think I can drop my idea...

I just read the story on Twitter. A guy found that the first Pokemon game has a reference to Stand by me, a movie where 4 guys set on an adventure to find a dead body. Now someone found a dead body playing Pokemon:

You can buy it but 100% sure you won’t look as cool as Leon. A friend has something similar but that’s just a regular jacket and not a replica of a video game jacket and looks waaay better than this.

This is nonsense. Both the dos and don’ts and the whole regulation. This is stupid...

Exactly my thoughts.

I didn’t even try to do that. For me Quake has no transparent water. I found this on the subject:

Zak McKraken was a great game but it was really difficult. Maniac Mansion was not that confusing I think. But the best was Monkey Island, the first. Well thought out, balanced game, no fail state (except Guybrush can only hold his breath for 10 minutes). The best adventure game out there till this day!

Never change, Mike! Never change.

I got it, it was in the menu in the game, I had to browse and enable as a mod.

How do I start this on a Mac? I have DarkPlaces engine then I say

Those PS3s are probably dead by now. My fat PS3 died too in 2013 which I bought in 2009.

That MightyNo9 logo is at a curious place. Looks like the character has a robotic penis, the shape of the logo makes it more weird.

On top of the building with the bell tower. Reminds me of Dark Souls.

I’d love to see a sales chart for the period of last month till Xbox Scorpio and PS4 Neo releases. I’d like to see the steepness of the curve getting flatter right about now. I think a lot of people will wait.

The most amazing thing was how they achieved the different genres. They just shift the camera to the top gently locking the rotation, now you have a top-down. Move it to perspective and you have a Diablo style dungeon crawler. Move it to the side, lock the z-movement and you get a platformer. Amazing!

The only thing I don’t like is the cutey ponytailed girl at the end. That makeup and hair is not fitting for a Mass Effect game I think. But that’s just me.

And with a soundtrack more like Trent Reznor than Front Line Assembly.

Another hero shooter? Battleborne and Overwatch is 2 games too many.

Bethesda had my attention... For a couple of seconds. Sadly it’s not the Quake reboot John Carmack was talking about. I would like to have a new LoveCraftian Quake without any STROGG nonsense, please.